Thursday, 8 September 2016

A group of Hindus came to burn Pakistan...and then, literally, the pants of the bloody liars caught fire :)...lolzzz

Hindu Banyas have also started practicing for Ghazwa e Hind... they are practicing what will happen to their dhotis when this final battle begins...IA... lolzzz

This is their fate in dunya - epic humiliation... and in akhirat, they will rot and burn with their brothers Khawarij...- dogs of hell..

Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind...

In 1946, QuaideAzam addressed people of USA & explained why we need to divide India.. a stunning epic of history..

Here we destroy the total myth of the liberal secular beyghairat Brigade that Quaid wanted a secular Pakistan. This is a speech which Quaid did to the people of United States, even before Pakistan was crreated !! Just imagine, the stature and respect of Quaid that BBC aired this speech to entire world and in USA.

Pakistan was orphaned once we lost our founding father... a true benevolent leader.. wise, dignified, loved.... today, his Muslim league has been hijacked by scoundrels putting the millet to shame..

He explains why we want Pakistan. He explains what two nation ideology is. He explains why Hindu Zionists are a cancer Muslims cannot live with. Why Pakistan is necessary? why India must be divided...

Most of you have never heard this... with Urdu subtitles, spread this powerfully...

This one speech destroys the entire argument of Hindus, Deoband Kharji Mullahs, Liberal beyghairats and seculars.. Just imagine how badnaseeb were those who opposed creation of Pakistan and joined hands with Mushriks..

A stunning historical comparison & similarity between the first State of Medina & today's Medina Sani of Pakistan!

سپاہ سالار جنرل راحیل شریف صاحب(6ستمبر کا خطاب ) ۔۔۔۔۔
" اپریشن ضرب عضب کا نام ہم نے رسول الّلہ (ص ) کی تلوار کے نام سے اسی لیے منصوب کیا تاکہ اپنی بقاء کی اس جنگ میں ہمارا ہر قدم الّلہ کے حکم اور نبی اکرم (ص) کی سیرت کے مطابق اُٹھے ۔
یہ تلوار صرف مظلوموں کے دفاع اور
فساد فی الارض کے خاتمے کے لیے اٹھ سکتی ہے "

This Pakistan is Medina e Sani -- the name Pakistan means "Medina e Tayyaba" and the similarity does not end here...

Just look at this incredible similarity between the State of Medina and the present State of Medina e Sani... MashAllah, Allahu Akbar..

One year in life of Medina Munawwara is almost 10 years in the life of Medina e Sani. From Hijrat from Mushriks to Fatah e Makkah... the life cycle is exactly the same...

Labbaik Ya Rasul Allah, Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind..