Monday 17 February 2014

Our azaan on Waqt News today. The clueless politicians -- blind men leading a flock of deaf, dumb and stupid !

Our azaan on Waqt News today. The clueless politicians -- blind men leading a flock of deaf, dumb and stupid !

All those who say that we should still have "peace talks" with Khawarij should be hanged !!

All those who say that we should still have "peace talks" with Khawarij should be hanged for stupidity, treason, insanity and criminal betrayal of the nation through their lies, deceptions and deceit and serving the cause of the enemies in times of war!!!

The Debate English Program -- The time has come to declare US an enemy State and deal with them as such !

The Debate English Program

"It is dangerous to be the enemy of United States but it is fatal to be their allies " !! who knows this better than Pakistan?? The time has come to declare US an enemy State and deal with them as such ! No more non-sense from these Zionists !

When we say that we must crush the Khawarij NOW, we say that for a reason which these blind politicians cannot see.

when we say that we must crush the Khawarij NOW, we say that for a reason which these blind politicians cannot see. For a perspective, read this BrassTacks Policy paper on rise of Hindu Zionists in India. May Allah have mercy upon Muslims of India after this butcher, this snake comes to power. Then Pakistan would be well and truly surrounded from East, West and within ! Now you tell me, is it easy to fight one axis at a time or 3 deadly axis simultaneously ?? Not a single analysis of ours have ever gone wrong. Allah has given us a vision which is different and a duty to give azaan. There would be khair if you listen to this Faqeer. You can argue, ignore, insult and remain arrogant but then my duty is only to warn you well in time. Your fate is in your own hands. Very soon you will know how disasterly wrong all those were who decided to mock our azaan. Then there will be no time for Tauba...
HasbunAllah Naimal Wakeel...

We asked for azaab of Allah and now it is upon us.

Pakistan has been destroyed by democracy !! Period !! Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) had warned us against it. Iqbal had warned us against it. We had warned you against it. But the nation of deaf, dumb and the blind decided to give "one more chance" to democracy and now we stand at the verge of death, destruction and collapse, astaghfurullah !! We asked for azaab of Allah and now it is upon us. The blunders of the leaders and the blindness of the followers will be paid by the entire nation.