Thursday 11 June 2020

تم غزوہ ہند کو مانو یا نہ مانو، مگر اے پی ایس کے بچوں کا انتقام تو ہم نے لینا ہے۔۔ اے پی ایس کے بچوں کے خون کی دیت، دہلی کے لال قلعے پر پاکستان کا جھنڈا لہرانا ہے۔ اے پی ایس کے بچوں کو کبھی نہ بھلانا۔۔ ان کا انتقام ھم پر قرض ہے۔

کیا آپ غزوہ ہند کے لیے تیار ہیں؟ آئیے اپنا امتحان خود لیں۔۔ اگر آپ پندرہ کلو وزن کے ساتھ دس میل تک چل سکتے ہیں تو پھر آپ کسی حد تک بہتر صحت میں ہیں۔۔ اگر نہیں تو پھر آپ کا جسم کمزور ہے اور آپ کو استعداد بڑھانے کے لئے کوشش کرنی ہے۔۔ جسمانی مضبوطی اور قوت ارادی پہلی شرط ہے۔

PM IK and GQB must note this dangerous trend in US..militarisation of police & deployment of military against civilian unrest. Exact same pattern is being built globally & Pakistan is a particular target for Zionists. They want similar anarchy in Pakistan too under COViD unrest.

It is ideal time to increase pressure on India when dehli is already in a confrontation with China and Nepal.. If war is inevitable, it's best fight alongside your allies.... But...would IK and GQB grab the moment? History is noting.....very closely..

کرونا پر دہشت زدہ ہو کر اپنا اور ملک کا بیڑہ غرق کرنے والی حکومت کو اب پتہ چلے گا جب بھوک، غربت، غصہ اور فاقہ کشی کا ایٹم بم پھٹے گا۔۔ پھر میں ان سے پوچھوں گا کہ کرونا زیادہ بڑا خطرہ تھا کہ یہ جو طوفان آنے والا ہے؟ امریکہ کے فسادات سے کچھ نہیں سیکھا۔۔

پاکستان کے دفاع کے لیے کیوں پاکستان کے محب وطن جوانوں کو اب لازماً پاک فوج کے شانہ بشانہ کھڑا ہونا ہوگا؟ جب فوج موجود ہے تو پھر شہریوں کو عسکری تربیت کی کیا ضرورت ہے؟ کیا آپ پاک فوج کے ہمراہ غزوۂ ھند کے لیے تیار ہیں؟ نہیں تو پھر کیا کریں؟ ہماری اہم ویڈیو آ رہی ہے۔ ان شاءاللہ

It's an undeniable fact of history, unthinkable for non muslim civilisations that Islam treated slaves so honourably and equally that many slaves rose to create dynasties and empires .... From India to Africa...! All other civilisations were and are racists & savage towards them

Now perhaps you will believe that these new COViD vaccines are not just gene engineered but are also designed to change genetic makeup of humans. Vaccine has nothing to do with COViD. COViD fear is just a PsyOps to make you accept this genetic code alteration.... "God gene"..!

In UK they are forcefully taking children for vaccine trials. . Bill Gates want to test his vaccine in Africa and Pakistan first. He has called General Bajwa yesterday. I will strongly advice GQB to be careful and not fall for this genocide plan of Zionists. Never trust Gates!

جس بات سے مجھے خوف آتا ہے وہ یہ ہے کہ پاکستان کے سویلین اداروں میں اتنی بھی صلاحیت نہیں ہے کہ ایک گری ہوئی عمارت کا ملبہ بھی خود اٹھا سکیں۔ اس کام کے لیے بھی فوج کو آنا پڑتا ہے۔ اگر بھارت کے ساتھ ہمارا تصادم ہو گیا تو اس وقت یہ قوم اور حکومت کیا کرے گی؟ اور فوج کیا کیا کرے گی؟

It's a global fraud. Doctors killed more patients in COViD due to negligence and inexperience in use of ventilators... Doctors kill millions every year globally... Did he say medical fraud? Indeed what WHO & Gates are doing is not fraud but medical genocide....

Does govt, ISI and MI know about this re-emergence? 🙄 ☹️ 🤦‍♂️ What has given that fat toad this confidence? Why are they not scared? What backing they have from within? Who are the traitors in here? یہ اچانک سارے سانپ اتنے اعتماد کے ساتھ کیوں اپنے بلوں سے نکلنا شروع ہوگئے ہیں؟

From COViD lockdown disaster to riots over racial discrimination ... the fault lines within the US society seem to be widening now. Back to civil war sentiments where whites fought against whites over the question of Union or Confederation...old wounds opened up again over #BLM

پوری امت مسلمہ کے لیے ایک فکر انگیز پیغام۔۔۔ ان للہ وانا الیہ راجعون۔۔! دنیا کی محبت اور موت کے خوف میں مبتلا حکمران پوری امت مسلمہ کو ذبح کروا رہے ہیں۔۔

Predictive programming. 2018 movie.. Does this sound familiar to what's happening today and what Bill Gates has planned for Pandamic 2, as he calls it? He is the guy this clip refers to in the end....!

"First batch of our Tactical T Shirts & Shirts has arrived, Alhamdolillah. This is a limited stock. Our complete stock, with even more variety, will come in a week's time, Insha'Allah".... Note. A team member is selling them. I am the unpaid model only... 🥴 🤭 😁

JazakAllah Syyedi, You put your sweat and blood into this book. We're fortunate to have this memoire if yours. That too for free. ☺ May we be the ones to receive khair from it. Ameen.

Follow this account A very patriotic baluch who will bring insider information on insurgencies, enemies and operations. I am glad he accepted my request to come on SM.

Let this sink in... IED attack in Waziristan. 2 Grenade attacks on Rangers in Karachi. Clashes on CFL with India... PAF and IAF on high alert CAPs. What do you make of this? For the stats, terrorist attacks have increased 100 % in last few weeks. They have been launched..

This is where I come from.... This is what shaped me... This is what makes me so cautious when it comes to security of our nation & region...for I have seen how nations are destroyed by the blunders of the leadership...& the cost humans have to pay for it.

This is my history too.....what shaped me into what I do today. What I speak or write today has its genesis in the baptism of fire and blood I received in the battlefields of Afghanistan in the 80s. This is the only memoir of that war written by a veteran

Today we are giving you all a very passionate gift... English version of my epic historical memoirs of Soviet Afghan war .. "From Indus to Oxus".... This is gold standard on the history of Afghan conflict.. Download for free...! Happy reading!

Indians are testing the capabilities of their psychological operations and information warfare. This is a propaganda warfare campaign.. Indians plan a major war with Pak and testing their own info warfare platforms and studying Pakistani response is critical to their war efforts

On the Pakistani side we have seen major weakness in Pakistani narrative building platforms.. The response of ISPR is too slow, Information ministry does not exist at all, foreign office is a white elephant... Pakistan seriously need battlefield information warfare platform...!