Tuesday 30 August 2022

I have heard Afghan Taliban have accused Pakistan of giving airspace to US drones, though they have also acknowledged that they have NO definite info about this. There is NO official confirmation about the drone route from any quarter. Only speculations.





This is the same China, by the way, that just last year bragged about it's ability to use Weather Modification to make it rain, and planned to expand the technology to cause rain over an area the size of India. But their experiment misfired it seems..





And what is the guarantee that this rain in China is not going to come to Pakistan also? This weather engineering is often called climate change...🤦‍♂️😡 UAE is also massively modifying the weather. And once you do that you cannot control the outcome...





کشمیر کی اصل اور نمائندہ آواز صرف ایک ہے۔ یہ سبز ہلالی پرچم میں لپٹا ہوا مجاہد زندگی کے آخری سانس تک اور اس کے بعد بھی پاکستان کے لیے لڑ رہا ہے۔ ساری زندگی مشرکوں، غداروں اور منافقوں کے مظالم سہتا ہوا یہ سیدی رسول اللہ کا مجاہد‌ ہر پاکستانی کے دل میں بستا ہے۔ سلامتی ہو آپ پر!







These biblical floods in Pakistan are a direct consequence of multiple factors.. This is the river map of Pakistan and all these rivers flow into Pakistan from Indian occupied Kashmir....And India has constructed dams on all these rivers to control the flow.... #FloodsInPakistan







They don't cross river Indus to attack China......! If Pakistan still does not realise the threat then we are in for very severe damage .. In winters, smaller river beds are frozen & empty of water & make a great highway for tanks to roll into northern Pakistan.... 🚩🚩☝️




What is happening in #Iraq today is more of a political power struggle between Muqtada Al Sadr & the regime allied to, ironically, both US and Iran. There are other ethnic underlying currents & power struggle within Shia faith too. Its also a war to take control of Shia Islam




It is not just Sri Lanka or Iraq that are collapsing......Every country is - starting from United States & Europe itself... The collapse of the Western civilization has begun big time... Though the agenda 2030 call for a total global destruction for them to "build back better"..
