Saturday 2 July 2022

The most militant & heavily armed hindu cult leader in India has now become the head of hundreds of thousands of Hindu monks..And calls for Muslim genocide every week. We are not talking about the RSS mobs on the street..These are the leadership monks that control their temples.



Everything they told you was a lie... And the majority of the world population was stupid enough to believe them. They got richer by hundreds of billions of dollars.... You got poorer by the same amount..... And they got to jab you to cull the " useless eaters" too....



This whole " pandamic" drama was enacted to trigger the biggest transfer of wealth in human history from the poorest to the richest elite of the world...This was staggering windfall profit. They bought the entire governments to destroy the societies. U are the guinea pigs..





اس کمینے کی جان نکلی ہوئی ہے۔۔🤣 جب سے بھارت میں سیدی رسول اللہ کی شان میں گستاخی کرنے پر ہندوؤں کو مارا گیا ہے، پورے بھارت میں ہندوؤں پر ایک دہشت کی فضا قائم ہو گئی ہے اور وہ تمام ہندو جنہوں نے گستاخیاں کی تھی اب معافیاں مانگ رہے ہیں۔۔ یہی اوقات ہے ان کمینوں کی۔۔ اللہ اکبر!!




I told you it was a false flag,... Confirmed.... But the objective has been achieved..... The genocide of Muslims will go ahead as planned....



Swine hunting season for Pakistan army!

پاکستان میں تو ان زہریلی ٹیکوں کے مضر اثرات پر کوئی تحقیق نہیں ہو رہی۔۔ لیکن پوری دنیا کے سمجھدار اور ذمہ دار ڈاکٹر تحقیق کرکے الارم بجا رہے ہیں۔۔ کوئی یہ ویڈیو اس بےشرم حکومت اور اداروں کو بھجوا دے جو زبردستی اس قوم کو ہلاک کرنے پر تلے ہوئے ہیں۔۔ تھوڑی سی تو شرم کر لو بے غیرتو۔۔






Just sharing.....the sheeples will never get it.....




Ukrainians could not hear the war drums in time and never prepared for it...... And now are paying a staggering cost for their ignorance and stupidity...... Indians are certainly learning from the Russian war........ Is Pakistan going to learn from the ukrainians?