Monday 15 February 2021

اپنے گھر کی خواتین کو اسلحہ کی تربیت ضروری دیں مگر۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ 🤣



Absolutely brilliant! I am surprised and shocked as to why Pakistan does not deploy similar drones against ttp and BLA? Pakistan is taking casualties every week yet we stick to failing strategy 2 decades old....! #Turkey #Pakistan

The sensible amongst them can now see the disaster they have created. The deaths they are going to have now would far surpass the combined death toll of both World wars & they get a "Stalin's dictatorship" for free with it. Too little, too late to cry out now! They are cooked!

Most of you do not remember these ads.... They killed millions by telling them that DDT, Asbestos, Heroin and smoking is safe.... Today, they repeat the process again.....& sell you more of their poison. Be my guest !

We have lost Kashmir under his watch. We are losing vaccine war too...and being sucked up in the global reset destruction... Will he have the courage to make a firm stand on terrorism from Afg? or will we continue to bleed & lose the disposable sons of the nation? V Sad!