Tuesday 14 April 2020

With this subdued forecast, India is likely to record its worst growth performance since the 1991 liberalisation. Thank you Modi. Pakistani leaders should learn from this rabid rat...& Not repeat his blunders...

Pakistan could never have hurt India in a decade what Modi has done in a month.. Wrong strategy to deal with an exaggerated threat. The move crippled about 75% of the Indian economy. Now guess what that rascal will do next to take the heat off...?

This what happens when you lockdown your economy over an exaggerated fear of a fake pandamic...! Not just that Modi has destroyed his country, he is now desperate to distract his nation from this debacle.... He needs a war with Pakistan or religious riots/cleansing in India ..

CIA is not the deep state...CIA is the intelegence/destructive arm of the deep state. They have almost achieved their goal.... everything being told to US population & the world at large is false, fake, disinformation, propaganda and lies.. Dajjal..the system of great deception.

طواف و حج و عمرہ کاینات کے روحانی نظام کو اپنے مدار میں رکھتا ہے۔۔ جب ان روحانی قوتوں کے اخراج کو روک دیا جاے تو پھر شیطانی قوتوں کے سامنے مسلمان امت اور افراد بالکل غیر محفوظ ہو جاتے ہیں۔۔ ابلیس اور دجال کی شیطانی طاقتیں پوری قوت سے حملہ آور ہیں‌اور ہماری ڈھالیں گر گیء ہیں۔۔

There is rock solid evidence available against this man for genocide and crimes against humanity...! People must file cases globally, in every country....and seek his arrest .! Pakistan govt should ban his entry or funds for all times...

One day...these factories of lies, disinformation and spreading panic will have to be shut down or taken over by state... Private Criminal mafias working for global terrorists cannot be given the licence for genocides under the facade of journalism... Enough!