Tuesday 2 August 2022

How many Aiman Zawahiri there were and how many they killed? Obama's also showed absolutely no proof to the world that they actually killed Osama Bin Laden. Their coverup was farcical. No photographs, burial at sea secretly, entire SEAL team killed later to remove evidence....




Have you noticed that's so far only thing confirmed is that a drone has struck a house in Kabul. Absolutely nothing beyond that. Only Americans have made a claim on Zawahiri. But there is no evidence. Afghan Taliban are silent too. Do NOT trust everything you hear. Verify!




Subtitles are in Arabic... Prepare your children for the most dangerous & difficult times in human history.....The times you lived in are history now. Future is dystopian, dictatorial, famine, wars and migrations....Ask Ukrainians .. Recorded 1 year ago.





اور لوگ امام مہدی کا انتظار کر رہے ہیں۔ مگر ان سخت ترین حالات کے لئے تیار کوئی بھی نہیں ہے۔۔ صرف اگر پاکستان کے حوالے سے دیکھا جائے تو تقریبا 14 کروڑ لوگ ہلاک ہوں گے۔۔🤕🙄☹️ بہت تسلی سے اس قوم کی صفائی ہو گی۔۔☹️ جو بچ جائیں گے وہی پھر اس ملک کی قیادت اور امت کی امامت کریں گے۔




After the first round .. United States 1. China 0. The fire throwing dragon turned out to be carrot eating rabbit. But it's not over yet. It is now Chinese compulsion to punish Taiwan very severely & they will wait for the old witch to leave. Globalists want a war here too.




Since nothing is clear at this stage, it would be prudent to remind that US have drone bases in central Asian republics also. Let's not jump to conclusions to the detriment of Pakistan to score political points. Wait for official confirmation.




Ecureuil helicopter is intrinsically unstable in bad weather. They very routinely make emergency landings or crash.... I have talked to different pilots of the aviation and they all agree that it was very bad weather......







These BLA swines are now claiming to have shot down the heli. I highly doubt it. They get paid from India for every attack. So they have a habit of exaggerating their victories. With no on ground verification, generally their lies are bought by Indian intelligence. 🤬





Crazy scenes .. Chinese artillery moving on Fujian beaches in Taiwan proximity as people are out there swimming. Reportedly that old witch is about to land in Taiwan....Her plane is certainly heading towards the island & it has sent both countries on the brink of a nuclear war






DF-5B ICBM can be see moving. It has a range of about 15,000 km If this war breaks out, it will be greater than Russia/Ukr war... We are only a hair trigger away from this global apocalypse.... And most of the world does not have a clue.....






HQ22 air defense system being brought in by China It's comparable to s400. The war in Ukraine destroyed the global food supply. A war in Taiwan will destroy the global semi conductor chips supply used in every electronic device, from cars to missiles. Suits globalists agenda.




Crash site has been found.... bodies are being recovered... Huge loss....! #HelicopterCrash






اپنے شہداء کے لیے فاتحہ پڑھیں۔۔ انا للہ وانا الیہ راجعون۔ پاک سرزمین کا یہ بہت بھاری نقصان ہے۔۔۔ بہت قیمتی ہیرے ہم سے چلے گئے۔۔
