Wednesday 12 August 2020

Remember this movie..? HBO is sending dark reminder to the American public.... Deadly virus, zombies, pandemic, search for vaccines, entire cities dead... Everyone on his own... And you need guns.....! Gentleman this is America's future.. HBO is only reminding them...



Indian channels are giving breaking news that Pakistani hackers are taking over their transmissions..... 😎🇵🇰😁 #India #BangloreRiots




Hundreds of billions of dollars worth of weaponry is being bought by India... at a maddening pace.. This is certainly not for use against China.... When you see hostile words and preparations for war.... beware a war is coming.....!



Compare the Indian preparations with the confusion in Pakistan... I am afraid we will take serious losses.... ☹️

Mask is no protection at all.... It's your weak body immune system which can contract any disease.. cancer malaria TB or hepatitis... Wearing a mask will not save you... Millions of people die of hepatitis malaria in TB every year.. you should wear Mars all year around then.


پہلے دن سے ہی میرا سخت ترین موقف یہ رہا ہے ہے کہ ہمیں لاک ڈاؤن نہیں کرنا چاہیے، اپنی معیشت اور معاشرے کو بچانا چاہیے، مساجد کو کھلا رکھیں۔۔۔ کیونکہ جو پیشنگوئیاں مغرب کی جانب سے کی جا رہی ہیں جھوٹ اور بد نیتی پر مبنی ہے۔۔ آج سب کہہ رہے ہیں ہیں کہ مغرب کی پیشنگوئیاں چھوٹی تھیں‌



Küresel siyasi liderliğin ne kadar aptal ya da hain olduğunu, siyonistlerin ne kadar soykırımcı ve canavar olduklarını, genel nüfusun ne kadar salak olduğunu görmek beni korkutuyor. Güncel durumda dünyanın hiç şansı yok... Kesinlikle trajik...



This is the official verified account of Pakistan Navy....


Myself and my team and even my family we never wore the mask in the last 4 months.... We lived totally normally..... Prayed aur juma namaz together shoulder to shoulder.... Without any mask..... alhamdulillah none of us ever got sick and apparently we are all still alive.... 😁



احتاج المصرفيون الصهاينة دائما إلى قوة عالمية لاستغلالها، حتى ينفذون أجندتهم من خلالها. في البداية كانت الإمبراطورية البريطانية و #الحرب_العالمية_الأولى ، ثم الإمبراطورية الأمريكية و #الحرب_العالمية_الثانية.



Siyonist bankacılar her daim kontrol edecek, gündemlerini uygulayabilecekleri küresel bir güce ihtiyaç duymuştur. Bu güç Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nda Britanya İmparatorluğu idi.



It scares me to see : how dumb, stupid or treacherous the global political leadership is.... How evil monstrous and genocidal these Zionists are.... How idiotic moronic and dumb the general population is.... In the present form this world stand no chance...... absolutely tragic!