Saturday 13 November 2021

In this incredible piece of historical document, Albert Einstein warns of total destruction of the Jewish people at the hands of the British and the zionist movement.....Because of their project Israel within the lands of Palestine. He saw it coming... (Sir ZH)



How come speaking against a hyper violent political ideology Zionism becomes anti-semitism? There are millions of good Jews, Hindus, Christians out there who are not rabid Zionists... Also since when did white khazarian Jews become semites?



Zionism is a fascist political violent ideology. There are Zionists in every religion... Christian Zionists, Hindu Zionists, Jewish Zionists, even Muslim Zionists... But whenever I speak against Zionism, only the Israeli Zionists hyperventilate. Is it their deep rooted guilt?



Freedom fighters are pushing back the COVID tyranny of this zionist government in Australia.... This is the last chance for freedom for the world..... Before the dark dystopian winters sets in....



Note India's new war strategy against Pakistan.. There is no doubt that the external enemies are trying to destabilize the Pakistani civil society...But there are also no doubt that they achieving this objective through the political govts & parties.