Thursday 20 April 2023

This account reportedly close to Afghan Taliban with 94k followers.... Absolutely brilliant reply to a PTI follower.....😁 Have you noticed that Chinese, Turks and the Saudis have also not reached out to Imran so far in the last one year.... IK is only calling US for help...




Elon Musk believes that human civilization is dying a slow death instead of being decimated in a nuclear war... But he is convinced that civilization is dying..... But he is mistaken about the nuclear or conventional wars.. Wars will play a significant role.





Is he a Qadiani fighting the case of IK in US & CIA power corridors? PTI is owning him very proudly... The more you dig the background of PTI and Imran khan the more filth & muck emerges from the gutters.... It is a dark devilish past & closet full of skeletons & dirty secrets.






Khalistan movement is never going to die..... In fact it will become nemesis for the Hindutwa...




آج مسلمان رسوا اس لیے ہیں کہ ہم نے دنیا کا ہر قانون قبول کر لیا ہے مگر ہم شریعت کو بول نہیں کرنا چاہتے۔ مسلمانوں پر سب سے بڑا عذاب ان کے لیڈر ہیں جو ان کو گھسیٹ کر جہنم میں لے جائیں گے۔ کوئی بھی سیدی رسول اللہ کی شریعت پر نہیں چلنا چاہتا۔ آپ اپنے ساتھ کروڑوں کو ہلاک کروائیں گے۔۔۔






This is huge development that Kuwait parliament discusses Hindutwa crimes in India. Qatar has also arrested 8 Indian naval officers who were spying against Qatar for Israel. Arabs should realise that Modi's India is a fatal threat for them too and Pakistan is the guardian.....





Reportedly, and attack has taken place on Indian Army troops in Indian occupied Kashmir. Not sure yet if this is a real attack by freedom fighters or a typical false flag we were expecting from the Indians..... Indians needed an excuse to cancel the Indus water treaty....



As expected Indian are changing statements every minute...... Initially they said it was a lightning strike with set the vehicle on fire..... Now they are calling it and attack by the freedom fighters. Very soon they are going to blame Pakistan...& then SHTF scenario....





Last episode.

The psychological operation starts to prepare the ground for an Indian provocation against Pakistan... Indian Military is fully deployed and prepared for war but only needed an excuse which Pakistan was not giving them, so they orchestrated on their own...another false flag!




آج مقبوضہ کشمیر میں بھارت کی جانب سے فالس فلیگ حملے کے بعد پاکستان کو الزام دینا اور جنگ کی دھمکیاں اس بات کی تصدیق کر رہی ہیں کہ پاک فوج کی انٹیلیجنس درست تھی کہ بھارت پاکستان کے خلاف دہشتگردی سے لے کر بڑی جنگ کی بھرپور تیاری مکمل کر چکا ہے۔۔۔۔۔



So the Indian Army killed the Sikh soldiers in their false flag operation today in Indian occupied Kashmir to give the perception that Pakistan is killing Sikhs and is not a friend of Khalistanis..🤦 One master stroke of bloody deception & multiple targets to be achieved...



Even the Indians know that this is a false flag operation.. RSS has again killed their own soldiers to create a justification for action against Pak. And this time they have killed sikh soldiers to create a divide between Pakistan and khalistanis.. Dirty Game of deception !



This wild boar knew that it was an accident but now they are going to exploit it against Pakistan. Never let a good opportunity go waste.....😡



The escalation ladder .....🤬 These bastards are so predictable...... This can easily lead into an armed conflict...... We exactly knew that India was looking for an excuse after its deployment is complete.... Pakistan never give them that excuse so they created one themselves.



Jews are also joining in the international Media campaign against Pakistan now to support RSS psyops....... You can see that now it is turning into a co-ordinated information warfare attack against Pakistan after the initial confusion in Indian establishment. It's 🚩🚩






The entire Indian media and social media has gone totally ballistic.... The new strategy is to exploit this incident against Pakistan like pulwama false flag attack. We should be prepared for an Indian invasion..... This time they are not going to come for a "surgical strike"...



ہندو مشرک نجومی جو بھارتی جنتا پارٹی کے بہت نزدیک ہے اپنی خفیہ زبان میں اشارہ دے رہا ہیے کہ وہ لاہور اور پشاور پر بھی حملے کریں گے۔۔ ہزاروں کی تعداد میں بھارتی ٹینک اور جنگی گاڑیاں گلگت بلتستان کے سامنے پہنچا دیئے گئے ہیں۔۔۔ پاکستان کے خلاف ابلاغی گولہ باری شروع ہے۔




Indians were looking for a false flag.... They found one today .... Now they are itching for an invasion of Pakistan..... Their diplomatic offensive and information warfare has already begun....