Monday 7 March 2022

This crucifixion will explain to you why the Chechen fighters are such mortal enemies of neo-nazis in Ukraine. Here in a 2014 video, the Azov battalion of Ukraine are crucifying a Muslim, probably Chechen, after slitting his throat. Now, it's payback time.



Female Ukrainian Combatants released a new video. Now the Chechens will be confused....... To kill these troops or to marry them....🙄🤣 #RussianUkrainianWar #UkraineUnderAttaсk #Chechen





You see the mess in Ukraine today. Civilians are being called to duty. Global supply chain disruption & energy costs are threatening meltdown of many societies would trigger wars. We had seen that coming as well & had been advising on it too.




Whatever world war scenario, supply chain disruption, food supply crisis & social anarchy we are seeing globally today, we had see it coming years ago & have been making regular advisory videos on how to survive the collapse of societies. #Food #WW3





Entire Europe is still importing gas from Russia.... Major countries including Germany is reluctant to put oil & gas sanctions on Russia, as a blockade would actually destroy the European society and countries... But they have a bloody problem when Pakistan does the same...,🙄



Some of these trained mercenaries are being paid 2000 dollars per day....! You can clearly see that someone with very deep pockets is desperate to trigger a world war 3, perhaps a nuclear war... These are the same rascals who ignited the first and the second world wars..!



These globalists desperately need a world war now.... Not just to hide their crimes during covid, but also to depopulate the world through other means..... To destroy the existing nation states, to bring about one world order... And of course to build the temple finally.





یہ بھارتی طلباء ہیں۔ ہمارے طلبہ بھی ان سے مختلف نہیں تھے۔ ہفتوں پہلے ان کو نظر آرہا تھا کہ جنگ ہونے والی ہے اور یہ صرف مسخرہ پن اور مستی میں لگے رہے۔۔۔۔اب ان کی چیخیں آسمان تک جا رہی ہیں۔ جب میں قوم کو یہ بتاتا ہوں کہ بھارت بھی حملہ کرنے والا ہے تو وہ بھی اسی طرح مذاق اڑاتے ہیں۔





These globalists, who want to reset the world, are hitting at the centre of gravity of human civilization...The food & energy supplies! You break this supply chain, you throw the entire planet into utter chaos. First they did this through lockdowns & now wars & famines!





برطانوی رضاکاروں (جنگجووں) کا پہلا گروپ یوکرین کی حمایت میں روس کیخلاف لڑنے کیلئے یوکرین پہنچ گیا ۔ If international mercenaries can fight for Ukraine against Russia, why cannot Muslim volunteers fight alongside Palestinians and Kashmiris against Israeli & Indian occupation ?