Saturday 17 September 2022

Now at least Muslims from other corners of the world will also start to understand the threats posed by the Hindu Zionists.... So far only the Pakistanis were holding out against Hindutva. These rabids are a threat to entire humanity. Now they want a nuclear war with Pakistan.

یہ یوکرین کے شہروں اور گلی کوچوں میں گھمسان کی لڑائی ہو رہی ہے جبکہ سویلین آبادی آس پاس موجود ہے۔۔۔ جب میں پاکستانیوں سے کہتا ہوں کہ جنگ کی تیاری کرو تو آگے سے جاھل جواب دیتے ہیں کہ ہمارے ملک میں فوج موجود ہے ہمیں کیا ضرورت ہے۔۔؟ فوج تو یوکرین کے پاس بھی تھی پھر یہ کیا ہے؟





Have you watched " snow piercer"? And Black Mirrors? And all these Zombie apocalypse movies where vaccine experiment goes wrong and the population turns into living dead? Well these are not movies as such, these are predictive programming warning you of the future...



There is a serious possibility of major war between Pakistan and India on the streets of UK.... Hindu gangs from RSS have gathered in huge numbers and have attacked a Muslim neighbourhood...... It is an urban riot and police is having a hard time keeping the sides apart...





GhazwaiHind begins in UK.... 😁 Hindus & Muslims come face to face ... Muslims from all over the world are supporting Pakistanis here against Hindus as RSS Hindutwa mob tried to attack Muslim neighborhood...





Fleeing Ukrainians crush each other to death with heavy hardware, flip their vehicles as they struggle to flee for their lives in their latest kamikaze counteroffensive ... #UkraineWar





Heating in residential buildings in Moscow will be switched on on September 18, deputy mayor Biryukov .... 🤭 #Russia #UkraineWar #Ukraine️




Interesting but deeply painful facts! EUROPE -- "The country with the lowest vaccination rate has the lowest excess mortality rate and the country with the highest vaccination rate has the highest excess mortality." Dimwit idiots will still not get it...





“There’s no science. We made it up.” I may not be a medical doctor but I had the common sense to understand that this is all fake science.... Never followed this social distancing BS. But they destroyed the society, devastated the businesses, and locked down the schools...





You do not need to spend tens of billions of dollars to convince ordinary people that there is a pandemic.....And that you need a jab to protect yourself... This was the biggest mind control public relationing exercise ever done in human history... Only the few resisted..


If you do not have control over your own food supply you will be eating this shit in the next few years...... By the way "upcycled citizens" is just a fancy word for human flesh..... Most of the other diets will be cockroaches anyways... They are not hiding it anymore!!



At least 10 banks robbed in a day in Lebanon by savers who are claiming their money frozen by the government due to the economic crisis. The people gathered at the banks to support the robbers. Coming soon near your home as well, no matter where you live.... #GreatReset





The real "purge" is coming ... People living in Illinois need to watch this. As of January 1st virtually all major crime will be ignored by the state. What they are experimenting in one US state will soon become the law of the land..... To be deployed globally also...





If you’re a doctor and you can’t work out the mystery behind myocarditis, strokes, blood clots and excess deaths…then it’s time to find another profession.. The panic is mainstream but they will never tell you the cause..... It must be the climate change or the cold showers..



Now this hindutva ideology want a final solution of 250 million Muslims in India...... Narendra Modi is called the butcher of Gujarat..... And was rewarded with the prime ministership of India following the massacre. Now Yogi, Amit Shah & Rajnath Singh are competing for next PM.



On this day in 1948 Indian Army had invaded the state of Hyderabad and massacred nearly quarter of a million Muslims.... Earlier quarter million Muslims were massacred in Jammu also... And nearly 5 million Muslims were butchered migrating to Pakistan..