Thursday 15 July 2021

پاکستانی کشمیر آزاد کرانے کے لیے ٧٣ سال سے احتجاج کر رہے ہیں۔۔۔بیچ میں دو چار چھوٹی چھوٹی جنگیں بھی ہوئیں۔۔ مگر افغان طالبان نے ثابت کیا کہ تہتر سال کا احتجاج ایک طرف اور بیس سال کا جہاد ایک جانب۔۔۔۔۔ اگر کشمیر لینا ہے تو بزور شمشیر ملے گا۔۔ ورنہ بکواس بند کرو۔۔


Totally agreed... South African model of chaos will be repeated in every country soon.. US, Europe, Canada, NZ and Australia will be most savagely hit... If you are not prepared to live off grid, don't have your own food supplies and guns..... You are cooked...!



Citizens of the planet....Coming to your town very soon....! Good luck! If you cannot fight for your rights and future then you have no right to complain.....






People still live in the delusion that they will have their freedoms back... Watch this Netflix series.... What started from face masks will end up here..... The diabolical dystopian future they are taking you towards..... Can't you see that it has already started....?



Remember... The government is the enemy! They will not stop until they destroy you totally, poison you forcefully, and put you in concentration camps for offering resistance.... Be a hybrid or a zombie ...!

All chapters of *Nana and Noorbee* are available here

تین سال سے بڑے بچوں اور ان کے والدین کے لیے۔۔۔۔ 🤗🇵🇰🕋 آپ کے بچوں کی اخلاقی اور روحانی تربیت کے لئے۔۔۔۔اپنے بچوں کو پڑھ کر سنائیں اور خود بھی سیکھیں۔۔ یہ نانا اور نوربی کے سلسلے کی آٹھویں کہانی ہے۔۔

Only if our judges were so brave as well.... Pakistan is being destroyed by the corruption of the government and cowardice of the judiciary..... And stupidity of the masses... پاکستان کی تباہی، حکومت کی خیانت، عدالتوں کی بزدلی اور عوام کی حماقتوں کی وجہ سے ہے۔۔



This madness is only going to get worse in the coming weeks and months... And it will not remain limited to France only.... This is a new world War.... The existing world order created after 1945 is being demolished and a new violent global reset is in the making....




Another French Revolution in the making.... It is actually happening in many countries of the world right now.... The governments are waging wars against their own people..... And countries on Path of imploding at various levels.. Have you seen the violence in South Africa?





These 4 pictures give you the entire military strategy of India... Their defensive line is ready in Kashmir... And now they are going for a false flag operation to justify their war... Their active military preparations are entirely focused against Pakistan from South to North...