Monday, 2 February 2015

These are the end times.. Fitnah of Dajjal is out with full force and Khawarij are an army from the armies of Dajjal !

Imagine, when Muslims were going to Battle of Badr, could any Muslim say that I am not going to Jihad but would do Tableegh ?? If anyone says that at the time of Jihad, then he is a munafiq and not a Muslim.

These are the end times.. Fitnah of Dajjal is out with full force and Khawarij are an army from the armies of Dajjal ! NO Muslim can stay neutral in this war. If you are a supporter of Khawarij, then you are with Dajjal ! If you are silent against Khawarij, then you are with Dajjal too. We will attack, humiliate and destroy all Khawarij and Dajjali forces inshAllah !!

Pakistani Muslims must realize this -- if you are stupid today, then you will be slaves tomorrow ! Stop worshiping your fraud Mullahs who are selling you to the Khawarij and Dajjal ! Wake up before you are butchered too..