Thursday 21 May 2015

I wonder what would these Khawarij say now when Mullah Umer himself perhaps and his team goes to Iran ...

Interesting !! When I went to Iran openly to attend conferences, meet Think Tanks and their leadership to discuss Pak Iran relations, the Khawarij in Pakistan called me Irani agent, Shia, Jew etc etc... :)) .

I wonder what would these Khawarij say now when Mullah Umer himself perhaps and his team goes to Iran secretly and meet the same "Kafir Shias" and reach secret agreements on future of Afghanistan ???

The Khawarij in Pakistan are the dogs of hell !! AfghanTaliban are NOT Khawarij and are Sunni Pashtuns from Afghanistan who claim to be the legitimate rulers of Afghanistan and displaced by the US occupation forces. Afghan Pashtun Taliban are NOT enemies of Pakistan nor they are enemies of Shias or Iran.

The Taliban in Pakistan are Khawarij, dogs of hell and have NOTHING to do with Afghan Taliban.