Tuesday, 24 November 2015

WoW !! Finally, Israeli PM Netanyahu admits that ISIS are after all Israeli soldiers :). Told you this years ago :)

France slaughtered a million Algerian Muslims as official State policy of colonization. Now the ghost comes to haunt

Over a million Muslims killed, 5 million homeless, entire ME decimated by NATO. Then they call us terrorists too !!


Bush & Blair should have faced war crimes tribunals but get away with million murders! who is the terrorist here ??


The entire world is in danger, Middle East is burning, millions killed & displaced. why? it is about Greater Israel plan. Clearing the deck


Zionist Jews are depopulating the Muslim ME through their proxies in ISIS. They believe they have the divine right !


Who is intolerant driven by religious hatred? Remember ethnic cleansing/genocide of Spanish & Bosnian Muslims ?????


France slaughtered a million Algerian Muslims as official State policy of colonization. Now the ghost comes to haunt
