Tuesday 7 April 2020

There could be a million different types of Pandamics but this SOB exactly knew that it's going to be an Influenza like pandamic... He is from the inner cabal of the Zionists who are on way to this bloody NWO....one govt, global surveillance, no religion, no cash, no families.

He had the patent for Corona virus....now he produces a vaccine within days..... The sheep still do not get it that the dog is herding them towards the slaughterhouse.....

The ones they call conspiracy theorists are most of the time genuine whistle blowers....who expose their sinister plots & global deceptions. Iraq WMDs, Syrian Chemical weapons, 9/11, ISIS....were all false flag ops....& Now #Covid_19 You should only trust us & not them...

Indian backed TTP terrorists planning attacks on Pakistan killed by Pakistan army yesterday near Pak Afghanistan border. 3 less to deal with

آج شہداے گیاری کی یاد کا دن ہے۔۔۔ یہ سبھی بیٹے ایک ہی جیسے ہیں۔۔۔ چاہے سیاچن میں ہوں یا وزیرستان میں۔۔ انکے جزبے کو وہ کمینے سمجھ ہی نہیں سکتے جنہوں نے آج تک پاکستان کے لیے کچھ بھی قربان نہیں کیا۔۔۔۔ نہ جان، نہ خاندان، نہ وقت نہ مال۔۔۔ یہ تنخواہوں کے لیے نہیں لڑتے جاہل لوگو۔۔۔

You become what you eat ..! And what do they eat? Halal matters.....!

Don't fear the virus, fear what comes After that....! And all the governments still have NO clue... because the ones unleashing this monster are from the powerful secret societies not govts....

You cannot even begin to imagine the evilness in these monsters masquerading as humans...

Just watch in silence... My jaw had dropped when I saw it few years ago...but people would not believe... Now after COViD perhaps people will observe & understand more... He wants to reduce "P" to about 2 billion....that means presently 6 billions will have to be killed.... 🤦