Wednesday 4 November 2020

بحیثیت ایک قوم ہم نے قسم کھائی ہوئی ہے کہ تاریخ سے سبق نہیں سیکھنا۔۔۔




You cannot find vortex here in Pakistan. My G3 has a Vortex Diamondback 4x12 on it. Bought it from a friend who hand carried it from US. Brilliant scope. It has bullet drop compansator on the raticle, allows you to target various ranges without touching elevation knob.




The morons who insist upon breathing their own carbon dioxide should answer this please....





Covid fraud and the lockdowns! Now try telling this to these hungry destitute desperate people that virus is deadly... right in front of our eyes we are seeing the destruction of human civilization at the hands of few globalist possessed devils...


What a global chaos they have created through covid... It was never about your health.... It was always about control..... Destruction of human societies, religion, economy and food supply... Everything to construct a Temple on a mount and declare a Massiah!



Now when the governments in entire Europe and USA are facing revolts from their own people due to covid lockdowns, the governments are desperately trying to divert the attention and distract the population by creating a new boogie...... Islamic terror!!


When someone tries to challenge my huge medical knowledge...... 😁 😊



Psychopathic delusional jackass! Their inferiority complex and sense of humiliation runs centuries deep. Muslim rule was ended in 1857 by the British not by the Hindus. Hindus could never dislodge Muslims in a 1000 years nor Hindus could stop division of their "mother India".



Every country is selfish when it comes to National interest, but Americans in particular are the real bastards when it comes to treating their friends.... Ungrateful backstabbers.. There is a reason that today Americans find themselves alone in the world... To be destroyed now!