Friday 24 July 2020

They will make the first strike very soon.... But then the hell will break loose..and nobody would control the dynamics after that...

When they keep the sword in their right hand, it means they are ready to use it for war. When in the left hand it is a sign of friendship. He had the sword in his left hand, and his right hand on top. This means that they are ready for peace and for war. You decide what you want.

My daughter is at #HagiaSophiaMosque right now and prayed the first juma there... The mood there is electric and emotionally charged...Muslims from all over the world have represented their countries in this historic shaking moment....! Really emotional right now..! 🇹🇷🇵🇰🇹🇷🇵🇰

Hz. Muhammet SAV.'ın tüm ümmetine mübarek tebriklerimi iletiyorum. Konstantinapol geri alınmıştır. #HagiaSophiaMasjid #AyasofyaCamii

سیدی رسول اللہ کی پوری امت کو مبارک ہو۔۔! قسطنطنیہ آج دوبارہ فتح ہوگیا!!

#Constantinople has been truly liberated per the soul and spirit of Sultan Fateh's conquest in 1453...! We offer no apology...give no quarter....and make a solemn pledge to liberate Al Aqsa and Babri Masjids now...! Yes, it's a war and we didn't start it...!

انشاءاللہ اب یہ بھی ہوگا۔۔۔ ! #آيا_صوفيا_مسجد

A very proud moment for him personally and for the Islamic civilization on the whole....! The name should also be changed now ...from #HagiaSophiaMosque to Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari Masjid... The patron saint of the city and beloved companion of the Holy Prophet burried here.

We are right now, reliving the history. #HagiaSophia Maps are about to be changed, policies are about to be rethink and #IslamResurrection has begun. Godspeed

پاکستان ٹیلی ویژن پر براہ راست نماز جمعہ دکھا رہا ہے ۔۔ اللہ اکبر اللہ اکبر اللہ اکبر!

Indian are certainly preparing for a two front war... But how? Within the region of Jammu Kashmir and ladakh, Indians will maintain a strong defensive posture against China... While they would launch an aggressive intrusion into Pakistani control Kashmir... and beyond!

دعونا نعيدهم إلى موضوع المساجد قبل أي طلبات أخرى بما يخص #آياصوفيا حين احتل الصليبيون #القدس في حملتهم الأولى، وصلت دماء المسلمين إلى ركب خيل الصليبيين في مسجد الخليفة عمر بن الخطاب. لا لم ننس هذا أيضا #تركيا #باكستان

Siz #Ayasofyacamii üzerine taleplerde bulunmadan önce bunları mescide dönüştürelim... 1. Haçlı Seferinde Haçlılar Kudüs'ü aldığında, Hz. Ömer'in Mescidi'nde Müslümanların kanı hristiyan atlarının dizlerine gelmiştir. Hayır, bunu da unutmadık...