Monday 28 June 2021

All the signs are that India is planning a massive war with Pakistan this year. I will be surprised if that does not happen... Is Pakistan prepared? What are the fault lines in our military strategy & national security doctrine? Our in-depth analysis! 


This offensive posture is not for China. Against China, India will always maintain a strong defensive posture.....China factor is a strategic bluff. Modi plan a full spectrum invasion of Pakistan soon. He needs it. These forces are for gilgit-baltistan..

اب جبکہ حکومت دعویٰ کر رہی ہے کہ لاہور دھماکے کے تمام افراد پکڑے گئے ہیں اور غیر ملکی جاسوس تنظیموں کا کردار بھی واضح ہو گیا ہے تو وقت ہے کہ ان سب کے نام بتائے جائیں۔۔ملکوں کے بھی اور ان کے داخلی و خارجی سہولت کاروں کے بھی۔نام کیوں چھپا رہے ہیں؟ بھارت کا‌نام‌ لیں نا۔۔۔۔



part 1 - Extremely scary and nerve-wrecking but real scenario of what will happen now when billions of people have been vaccinated...... Focus on what he says about spiritual strength.... About entering into a world war.... About everyone dying around you.....





Part 1 was shared about two weeks ago ...



India has now deployed nearly fifty thousand more troops against gilgit-baltistan in ladakh entire Corp! This offensive capability is certainly not against China, though China is being used as a bluff to conceal their actual intentions... They plan to come!



Entire Indian offensive War preparations in ladakh are directed against gilgit-baltistan, and certainly not against China. From Rajasthan to gilgit baltistan..... They are practicing offensive capabilities across the entire axis.....



When you are planning an invasion against Pakistan....! 🤬 Indian military preparations are at a frenzy level.... And so are their psychological operations and disinformation to frame Pakistan for a false flag terror attack. حرا می دشمن اچانک حملہ کرے گا۔۔ ہمیں محتاط ہونا ہوگا۔