Thursday 16 June 2022

Indian defence minister and national security advisor are giving final touches to the military preparations and diplomatic offensive against Pakistan.... It is a complete 360 degree attack planning. From igniting insurgencies within Pakistan to creating economic blocked & war!







This is how they destroyed the global supply chain and started to destroy small & medium businesses & farming. Lockdowns started it. Then they started to increase the energy and fuel cost....Then triggered wars.... And started to destroy the global food supply.... Death blows!





Already the bulldozing of homes of political protesters is the Israeli tactic being deployed in India now... India is fast tracking "palestinisation" of Indian Muslims with the help of Israeli advisors. Extreme surveillance and interrogation and torture techniques too.



Two brothers died one after another .... 24 and 21..... Both vaccine induced deaths but doctors will not acknowledge their murders... The kill period for vaccination has begun.......



Nearly 10000 cows suddenly fell dead in one American state this week.. All the signs are that they were poisoned, though the propaganda spin is blame it on heat.. But the weather was pleasant and the breeze was cool. This is sinister & orchestrated culling of the food supply...





پاکستان کی خارجہ پالیسی کا جنازہ ہے اور بڑی دھوم دھام سے نکل رہا ہے۔۔۔ ان کے ہوتے ہوئے پاکستان کو کسی دشمن کی حاجت نہیں ہے۔۔۔ ان للہ وانا الیہ راجعون۔۔۔ غزوہ ہند اس لیے بھی ضروری ہے کہ اس میں ان جیسے تمام فساد اور کیڑے مکوڑوں کا صفایا ‌بھی ہو جائے گا۔۔۔






Jammu 11 Km.. Significance of Jammu... Once we explain the Geo Strategic Location of Jammu, We will Conduct a Twitter Space Session on it...iA. Labbaik GhazwaiHind! They will start it, we will finish it for them....Allah willing!





Ukraine is loosing upto a 1000 soldiers per day... Urban wars are expensive Battlefield human cost wise. In the battle for Stalingrad Germans were losing upto a thousand soldiers a day at the hands of Russian snipers......

A glimpse of how devastating urban warfare is... 3 months ago this was a modern East European country..... Now it is the battleground for urban warfare. All modern wars are going to be fought within urban cities.... Pakistan must prepare for this ..


Note the words being used.....aerial insertion, deployment of special ops, in hostile territory.... Are Indians planning an airborne invasion of China? Obviously not...Their objective is Skardu gilgit baltistan.. And they also want to invade Pakistan's Punjab & Sind provinces.



"Be a Hindu in India or die. Your deadline is 2024. All Muslims must abandon their faith or be prepared for death ..." BJP spells out their policy of genocide. They need a nuclear war with Pakistan before 2024 as well. It's election time ..