Monday 16 August 2021

Indeed 😂



تريد أن تعرف لماذا خسرتم في #أفغانستان ؟ لأنكم كنتم متوحشين، مفلسين أخلاقيا، كنتم قوة احتلال وحشية، قتلة أطفال، مغتصبين، لصوص، قمتم بمذابح جماعية، كنتم مدمنين متخلفين عقليا ومرضى نفسيين لقد جعلتم الأمة كلهم عدوة لكم بأنفسكم #طالبان





Americans were cannibals and rapists..... Bagram air base was another Abu ghraib.... Thousands were brutally tortured dismembered and killed.... Never forget Guantanamo bay... Still there are prisoners for the last 20 years.....



You want to know why you lost in Afghanistan? Because you were savage, morally bankrupt, brutal occupation force, baby killers, rapists, robbers, mass murderers and amoral mentally retarded drug addict psychopaths.... You made the entire nation your enemies yourself...




يمكن للمشككين أن يستمروا في إيجاد أسباب الإذلال الملحمي للحضارة الغربية في مضيق #أفغانستان يمكنك تحميل #باكستان المسؤولية أيضا لكن الحقيقة هي أن هذه كانت حربا بين الإيمان والتكنولوجيا، وفي النهاية تفوق الإيمان على التكنولوجيا بشكل قاطع وفاصل. #طالبان



يمكنكم فهم الدعاية والتضليل ضد حركة #طالبان من قبل المصادر الغربية والهندية، وذلك لأن طالبان هزمتهم بشرف. إن الشخصية العظيمة وشجاعة هذا الجيش الإسلامي هي التي أذلّت القوى العظمى العالمية #أفغانستان



لقد رأينا في جميع أنحاء العالم وحشية ومجزرة الجيوش والعصابات المسلحة التي تعمل كوكلاء للقوى العالمية وهنا يتولى جيش مسلم زمام الأمور بعد ٢٠ عاما من القتال ويقدم عفوا عاما للجميع، وليس من عملية انتقامية واحدة أو عملية نهب حتى. #طالبان #أفغانستان



هذا تقرير صوت أمريكا من كابول. ليس لديك خيار إلا ان تعترف بأن حركة #طالبان هي أشرف جيش في العالم اليوم لقد حطموا تماما الدعاية ضدهم من خلال الشخصية المطلقة والاستيلاء بشكل كريم. قصة شبه سريالية!





The distractors can continue to find reasons for the epic humiliation of the Western civilization in the gorges of Afghanistan.... You blame Pakistan also.... But the fact is this was a war between Faith and Technology...... And in the end Faith trumped the technology decisively.



You can understand the propaganda and disinformation against the Afghan Taliban by the Western and Indian sources.. Because they have been defeated very honorably by the Taliban. It was the sheer character and courage of this Muslim army that humiliated the global superpowers..





All across the world we have seen the savagery and butchery of the armies and the militant gangs, acting as proxies of the world powers.. And here a Muslim army takes over after 20 years of fighting and offers general amnesty to all, not a single revenge killing, no looting.




This is VOA report from Kabul. You have no choice but to acknowledge that Afghan Taliban have been the most honorable and dignified army in the world today... They have totally destroyed the propaganda against them through sheer character & dignified takeover. Almost surreal!



When the evacuation of US military dogs is more important than the Afghans who worked with the US marines. Lesson: Never support the occupying force against your country. They will use you, abuse you and dispose you worse than a tissue paper.


And why the Indian state did not send their troops to Afghanistan? They fell for my bluff and believed that literally ...,😁😎 Now they are kicking themselves.....😁



The biggest losers in the entire Kabul debacle is not US but India...... Morons were piggybacking the American presence to wage their proxy war against Pakistan... Here an Indian general is crying hoarse that Indian state chickened out & could not dare to send troops...😁




Taliban's Air Cavalry.....😁 Bringing troops to Kabul....




#كشمير #ضد_التطبيع #عمران_خان #باكستان #افغانستان #طالبان @ZaidZamanHamid تقوم المدافع الرشاشة وقناصة الجيش الأمريكي بصد الأفغان الذين تعاونوا مع قوات الاحتلال الأمريكي ... جنون كامل في مطار كابول الآن... أي طائرة مدنية تهبط في مطار كابول الآن معرضة للتدمير أو الاستيلاء ...



Ready for takeoff..... Don't bother about the seat belt, you won't need it.... 😁😂



US army machine gunners and snipers are pushing back Afghans who collaborated with the US occupation forces..... It's a complete mad house at the Kabul airport right now..... Any civilian aircraft landing at Kabul airport now risk being destroyed or taken over....



Reportedly 3 peoples fell from the American military aircraft taking off from Kabul..... 😱 Afghans were hanging onto the plane when it tried to take off without them.....




Unbelievable scenes..... Afghans hanging onto American military planes..... And falling off to their deaths from the aircraft taking off.... 😊😱




This is Kabul airport chaos.. Thousands of Afghans are mobbing American military planes trying to get on to the flights out...Many reports confirm shooting by the American troops killing many Afghans.. Thousands of people arriving at the airport and this is going to get worse..



This is epic...😁 Check the diplomatic language.... 😂



I just tweeted about this possibility..... And this account is suggesting that riots have already begun..... If this is true, and it escalates, it is going to draw in taleban fighters into the chaos.... Last thing US would wants in Kabul is a public slaughter.....



The situation at the Kabul airport is critical. US government have now decided that they are only going to evacuate the US citizens first and will leave behind thousands of Afghans and their families because they are running out of time & aircrafts. This can start a riot anytime



Kabul airport right now.... It is a frantic shit show... This is the only reason why Taliban are not attacking it.... It would be a civilian bloodbath.....! The new government of Afghanistan is already in the presidential palace..... The troops deployed inside the city....