Sunday 16 May 2021

In the city of Lod, running Street battles are going on between Jews and Muslims.... All the Israeli government has brought in mercenary contractors to restore peace, as police has lost total control, the situation is still chaotic. It is total anarchy right now..


This is the 250 kilometre reach rocket being fired by Hamas.... Reaching out to Central and northern parts of Israel.... This and similar long range rockets, although unguided, have become a game changers in this war, giving a strategic surprise to the Jewish entity.





من قلبنا الى قلب الفلسطين....! ہمارے دلوں سے نکلی ہے صدا انشاءاللہ اہل فلسطین کے دلوں تک پہنچے گی۔۔۔۔!





هنا غزة ✌️💔🇵🇸 Israel watch closely... You can never defeat these people... Your savagery and brutality is futile... if Palestine burns you will burn with it... And masjid-e-aqsa will never be yours... You can build your temple in Washington



هنا غزة ✌️ 💔 🇵🇸 #إسرائيل انظري جيدا! لا يمكنك أبدا هزيمة هؤلاء الناس لا طائل من وراء همجيتك ووحشيتك لو احترقت #فلسطين فستحترقين معها أما #المسجد_الأقصى فلن يكون لك يمكنك بناء المعبد الخاص بك في واشنطن #فلسطين_تنتصر #القدس #غزة_تقاوم #غزة_تنتصر


Israeli sources are reporting that Jewish hospitals are full of dead and wounded from last night's massive rocket barrage... Dozens are killed and hundreds wounded in various Israeli cities... Officially Israel has put a media blackout on battle damage.. #GazaUnderAttak



Hamas has announced that now they are going to launch these high charge high explosive missiles with a range of over 350 target Tel Aviv and every major city and airport. Israelis will not sleep peacefully for a very long time... #GazaUnderAttack #AlQuds