Friday, 2 January 2015

We do a difficult duty to defend Pakistan and support Pak army in this dirty war against Khawarij and Mushriks.

Pl note: anyone supporting Khawarij, promoting their videos, abusing Pak army, attacking Quaid, Baba Iqbal or using abusive language will be immediately blocked without further warning. This page is NOT for Khawarij or their point of view. We know what we stand for. If you have a different point of view, make your own page and write there. You are NOT welcome here.

We do not collect fans on this page. We do a difficult duty to defend Pakistan and support Pak army in this dirty war against Khawarij and Mushriks. If you do not trust us, please unlike this page or stay silent. All negative posts will be blocked. Jazak Allah.

Pak army has demanded that Ulama must give fatwas to declare them as Khawarij and out of Islam. We are doing the same.

The whole nation is united on one point -- The TTP are Khawarij, dogs of hell !!

Pak army has demanded that Ulama must give fatwas to declare them as Khawarij and out of Islam. We are doing the same.

Every Alim in the country MUST declare them as Khawarij. Every Ahl- Hadees, every Ahl Sunnah, every Shia, every deobandi.. MUST do it.

Those who refuse to call TTP as Khawarij will be attacked by the patriots. It does NOT matter to us if those Ulama are Shias, Ahl Hadees, Ahl Sunnah or deobandis. Any one who refuse, will be attacked by us. Now is it clear to you all who are crying that we are attacking all Deoband sect ??

Mufti Rafi Usmani has called TTP as Zaliman, rebels and demanded that army must crush them. We respect and appreciate this.

We want Tariq Jameel, Mufti Naeem, Fazal, Samee to repeat these words of their deobandi brother Mufti Rafi Usmani. Does this mean, we are against all deoband ?? only an insane, deaf, dumb, blind will draw this stupid conclusion.

We are in war. Every day, army is killing the Khawarij. while army kills them, we will find the supporters of Khawarij and attack them. It does NOT matter to us which sect or group they belong to. Death be to dogs of hell and their supporters.

Shame a million on Mufti Naeem - Joint Press Conference By Mufti Adnan Kakakhel, Mufti Muhammad Naeem and Mufti Muhammad Zubair On Peshawar Incident

Team, you got to see this. Shamelessness & Beyghairty at its peak!!

We always knew that Mufti Naeem and his gangs are part of the Khawarij. When we asked them to explain their position, they did this press conference. Listen to this and all you can say in disgust is Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !!

What they are saying is that Peshawar incident is bad and it is done by "Namaloom afraad" and they are NOT going to take the name of TTP nor they are call them Khawarij !! Astaghfurullah !!!

They accept that they are Ulama. They accept that they have higher duty in society to speak the truth. They accept that Peshawar is a crime against humanity BUT they are NOT willing to name TTP as the animals nor calling them as Khawarij !!

What else is munafiqat and Islam dushmani if this is not ?? they think the nation is made up of total fools that we fall for their lies, deceptions and fabrications ??? Shame a million on Mufti Naeem and his gang...

Now you say that we speak against them... we should actually hang them through military courts... these are the snakes in our ranks..

They MUST call TTP as the criminals and Khawarij and out of Islam. Why on earth they cannot say this ??? Namaloom afraad, my foot !!

All those Ulama who are afraid or refusing to call TTP as Khawarij are going to rise with Khawarij on the day of Judgement, InshAllah !!!

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) had warned us that a time would come when fitnahs would emerge from the Ulama and they would return back into them....

This Hadees shareef clearly defines the filthy role of Ulama e soo we have in the society today. The entire fitnah of deen is NOT because of ordinary Muslims but because of Ulama e soo. This is what Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh (RA) says about Ulama e soo !

When we ask Ulama to speak the truth about Khawarij against all fears, they call us Kafirs.... their followers call us Kafirs... What Islam do they follow ?? Innalillahe inna Ilehe rajeeon..

All those Ulama who are afraid or refusing to call TTP as Khawarij are going to rise with Khawarij on the day of Judgement, InshAllah !!!

Instead of blaming the patriots of spreading 'Sectarianism', ask your "Ulema" why they are hands in glove with TTP Khawarij.

Where are the defenders of the defenders of Khawarij ?

Since -16th December, 2014- We have been trying to find videos "Ulema" of Deoband (Fazal ur rehman, Samee ul haq, Tariq Jameel, Siraj ul haq, Mufti naeem, etc) disowning the murderers of more than 160 children and even calling them as Khawarij. No video found yet. Is it not strange?

We also asked friends to share any video where the murders of approx 100,000 Pakistanis are called Khawarij by these "Maulanas". Only Rafi Usmani Sb's video came to light, rest of deoband, it seems, has a policy of 'no comments' regarding the khawarij of TTP. When we asked this question we were told that we are spreading sectarianism.

It has been more than two weeks. We are still waiting for any video to be shared by the maulanas/ulemas of deoband or followers of deoband.

Where are the defenders of "Maulana" Tariq Jameel?
Where are the defenders of "Maulana" Fazal ur rehman
Where are the defenders of "Maulana" Samee ul haq
Where are the defenders of "Maulana" Siraj ul haq
Where are the defenders of "Maulana" Mufti naeem

Instead of blaming the patriots of spreading 'Sectarianism', ask your "Ulema" why they are hands in glove with TTP Khawarij.

These are the wounded children of APS and now hear their future plans MashAllah !
These are the wounded children of APS and now hear their future plans MashAllah ! No enemy can defeat the nation who have sons like these MashAllah ! proud of you sons.. May you rise, shine and glorify the Ummah !