Saturday 21 March 2020

Don't dismiss him as a conspiracy will be your own loss.... The environment and the earth is bring raped, human immune systems are being destroyed under EM signals....results r #Covid_19

In 1400 years of Muslim history, this most sacred place has never been empty....! It must never be kept empty....

But soon, Israel will start demolishing Masjid e Aqsa....this global distraction of the orchestrated pendamic has a deep rooted purpose in the Zionist strategy...

He is the Defense Minister of Israel.....not the health minister. He is giving a "plan"...

There is nothing secular about these wars.....deeply religious, profoundly ideological, fought on both physical & spiritual plains... #Covid_19

Now even the worst enemies are recognizing the wisdom of Islamic Sharia and Prophetic traditions in dealing with pendamics...