Sunday 13 March 2022

let me share with you the real sinister deadly game played by India on that night when they launched that #BrahmosMissile on Pakistan. The whole scenario is so diabolical that it actually looks like a fiction story. So much went behind the scene which is never discussed.



The #Chechens spirit really comes alive in a Battlefield.... In the last 200 years these fearsome fighters have killed more Russians than all other enemies of Russia put together....... But now they are the allies & and the sword arm of Russia.. #RussianUkrainianWar





They are trying to make it a hilarious episode, but the deadly fact is that this could have triggered a nuclear war. Pakistan saw the nuclear capable missile incoming & had already initiated a counter attack but stopped at the last second. It was a close shave for the world.





اس کو ایک دفعہ اور سن لیں۔ تاکہ آپ سب پر تسلی سے حجت تمام ہوجائے۔۔ مجھ سے لوگ جھگڑا کیا کرتے تھے کہ بھارت میں جرات نہیں ہے کہ پاکستان پر حملہ کر سکے، اور اگر بھارت نے حملہ کیا تو پھر ہم فنٹاسٹک ٹی پلایں‌گے۔۔







More Muslim Chechen forces head towards Ukraine....... Facing the ultra Nazi Christian militias..... Turning this war into a little Crusade of its own... Chechens are undertaking the most dangerous missions and that has greatly increased their respect within the Russian forces..





Kharkiv City Center! If this madness continues at the present pace, very soon Western European cities will also appear like this..... Sent back into the stone age within two weeks.. Add a deadly pathogen to this madness and we have a perfect setting for "To the Lake" ..




Just ponder, why are these bloodhounds getting hyper? Nobody is attacking India..But they are on a full invasion level mode. Next few weeks are of political uncertainty in Pak.. I am pretty sure they will be looking for the moment of opportunity when Pak is most vulnerable.



CIA was working in hands and gloves with UN and WHO & now there is a panicked scramble to destroy all the evidence of their biological war, not just against Russia but also against the entire world.... They were producing deadly viruses here and their insane delivery mechanisms..



It seems unbelievable but there were dozens of CIA run biolabs in Ukraine which were developing insane biological weapons including viruses to be delivered into Russia through migratory birds and ducks. Putin has a firm case here. #RussianUkrainianWar

Already, Americans have started accusing #RussianArmy of using chemical weapons and preparing for biological attacks ... destruction of cities are being presented as unacceptable war crimes, as if Americans have never done that themselves in ME. They need to expand this war .




So far, the war is limited within Ukraine. Both Ukrainian leadership and the globalists want to spread the war by dragging NATO into the conflict. Expect a massive false flag attack anytime....with mass casualties or use of NBC weapons to be blamed on Russia. #Russia