Sunday 31 January 2016

In these times ignorance is rampant, adab has disappeared and confusions reign supreme. These times are called the times of Dajjal -- meaning the times of confusions and lies.

I would just like to add a brief note to my post on my lineage.

In these times ignorance is rampant, adab has disappeared and confusions reign supreme. These times are called the times of Dajjal -- meaning the times of confusions and lies.

In serious Islamic scholarship, the status of ahl beyt is so well established that it never needed any explanations but nowadays, our children and even grownups are totally unaware of the status and the responsibilities associated with it. Please spend some time on the subject and study sound scholarship done. Both Sunni and Shia scholars have written extensively on the subject. Their references are now available online. Just google them pl. This is an extremely sensitive subject and any beyadab gustakh remark can become spiritually damaging.

While all Muslims are equal, Syeds have a marked different status in Quran and Sunnah. While they have a special blood relation with Rasul Allah (sm), they also have a more serious responsibility upon them. If they have a special status, their punishment for deviance and betrayal is also more severe. There are many Syeds who are fasiqs and are betraying the deen of Rasul Allah (sm). They are like the son of Nooh (as) who betrayed the Prophet and was punished. Allama Iqbal had said about the same Syed as "Hashmi is selling the honor of the religion of Mustapha (sm)"

But there is also NO doubt that Syeds have been given a more greater and serious responsibility to defend the deen of their noble grand father Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). It was this passion that led Imam Hussain into Karbala despite extreme odds. Again, Allama Iqbal has written a full Persian poem on the reasons which forced Syed Imam Hussain to rise and defend the deen.

About the term Syed -- Rasul Allah (sm) has himself used this term for Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain... and all their children are called Sayyads or Sadaat in entire Ummah since then..

We humans are all children of Adam (as) BUT the term Sayyad is exclusive and reserved for the family of Rasul Allah (sm).

In every durud shareef you send salat o salam on family of Rasul Allah (sm) also. Recite Durud e Ibrahimi now and note the words..

Imam al-Shafi'i also says, "O Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt)! Allah (SWT) has made it obligatory in the Noble Qur'an to love you. It is a matter of pride for you that without invoking blessing on you, prayer is not valid."

Zakat, sadaqat and charity is forbidden to the family of Rasul Allah (sm). This signifies a special status indeed.

Google the term : "Hadees of Saqalain".. Both Sunni and Shia authorities accept the extra ordinary status of the bloodline of Rasul Allah (sm).

In any case, the point was that please refer to sound Islamic scholars before you post any derogatory comments about the family of Rasul Allah (sm). This is a sensitive subject and you must not take the risk of being Gustakh here.

with salam and dua