Wednesday 17 August 2022

میں جتنا اس طرح کی خبریں پڑھتا ہوں اتنا ہی مجھے عمران خان پر زیادہ جلال آتا ہے۔ اب بھارتی حکومت نے اعلان کیا ہے کہ مقبوضہ کشمیر میں رہنے والے تمام فوجی، پولیس اور وہ ہندو جو پورے بھارت سے کام کے سلسلے میں آئے ہوئے ہیں، وہ بھی ریاست کے شہری تصور کیے جائیں گے اور ووٹ ڈال سکتے ہیں۔۔



Zia cleverly utilized $100smn of American aid to build Pakistan's A bomb. Americans knew it, CIA knew it but they were forced to give certificate every year that Pakistan is not making a bomb 😁 By 1984..."Pakistan was only a screwdriver away from the bomb" in Zia's own words..






This larger version of the interview is a brilliant piece of diplomacy by general zia ul haq... Jealously guarding Pakistan's independence and security, he completely fooled the Americans, the soviets, israelies and the Indians....





It is absolutely hilarious that the American funds were used to build Pak's nuclear program...And the American administration continued to give false certificates year after year to the Congress that Pakistan is not building the bomb. Mothers have stopped producing men like him.






The crash of the C130 of Pakistani president General Zia in 1988 was one of the greatest tragedy to befall on the Muslim world in the 20th century. This man was so dangerous for Israel & India that CIA, Mossad, RAW & KGB jointly plotted to assassinate him & his team. #17August



Whatever you have is mere deception & treachery.... What you need is what you have to seek.... There is not a single rightly guided leader in the world today....humanity has never faced darker times...

Quaid e Azam knew that Kashmir can only be liberated through war. He launched armed militiamen in 1947 into Kashmir when India forcibly tried to occupy Jammu & Kashmir. He lived for another 1 year & NEVER ceased this war of liberation & never went to UN. This is Quaid doctrine!!