Tuesday 10 August 2021

جب آپ اپنے آپ کو صحافی سمجھیں مگر اصل میں ہوں صحافتی طوائف۔۔۔ اس بے شرم اور بے غیرت آدمی کو اس بات پر آگ لگی ہوئی ہے کہ سعودی عرب میں پاکستان کے سفارت خانے نے میری گھر والی کو دس ہزار کیوں دیے جب میں سعودی جیل میں قید تھا۔۔۔۔ اس کا حسد اور غصہ چیک کریں۔۔ہندوؤں سے بھی بدتر ہے۔۔



Now they are burning #AlgeriaIsBurning




These globalists have totally gone mad.... Gone insane by the devil's touch.... There is no bloody climate change..... It is all weaponization of weather..... To destroy the planet.... On way to depopulation.. And some jackass morons still think that I am a conspiracy theorist...






مایں اب دوبارہ عمر جیسا بیٹا پیدا کرنے سے قاصر ہیں۔۔




One of the greatest ruler to have ever lived..... Even the United Nations has taken its charter from his justice... World need another Umer today.... His stature and impact is mind-boggling even after 14 centuries...






Afghan Taliban are now fed up with Indian interference into Afghan affairs & Indian hostility towards Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan... Here the Islamic Emirate's spokesman is openly angry over India for hostility. Indians will be hunted in Afghanistan now it seems...





He is Umer. Second Rashidoon Caliph....the greatest ruler to have ever lived.....achieving the military miracle of defeating the Roman & Persian empires at the same time, replacing them with the Islamic empire based on true justice & equality.. #مرادنبیؐ_خلیفہ_ثانی_عمرفاروقؓ




So..... Are you just going to inform us about it or do something about it too? When are you going to counter threat India and Israel now when you have openly acknowledged that they are bleeding us....?
