Thursday 31 December 2020

Chinese styled lockdown... Chinese model is the next Global model the Western democracies are going to adopt... Democracy is dead. Chinese fascist dictatorial high tech AI driven model is here.... Global surveillance state... Welcome to the Global Reset!



Lockdowns are politically motivated and have nothing to do with science. They are causing a silent genocide across the globe while enabling the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. The ultimate truth!

Human race.... Trying to survive the Covid era Global Reset....! ... 😱🤦🙄



This is the magic of figure fraud...... All flu deaths have been added to covid to exaggerate and inflate the figure in a massive propaganda porn.

So the side effects for the vaccine will become visible after 2 years... Damn! But what is more incredible is that even after hearing it from his own mouth people will continue to believe that the vaccine is safe..... The sheep destined for slaughter or to become zombies...





All flu and influenza deaths, hundreds of thousands of them every year, have disappeared and added into the covid.....that's why you have high covid deaths but no increase in average annual death rate...... The magic of fudging the figures to create a false pandemic....



Food control continued.... The UK has banned outdoor chickens under guise of “bird flu” BIOSECURITY.People are not realising it but they are destroying all meat animals in the world.. To make way for their factory produced lab meat....

Why are the Indian farmers protesting? causing food genocide is the integral part of the Global reset. Indian government have banned the farmers to sell their produce into the market & and farmers are forced to sell their produce to selected multinationals only. Food control!




I want to do a serious analysis on how Pakistan government could have handled covid without the lock downs, social distancing or destroying your own economy and society... Analysis is purely based on factual statistical data..... So no moron can deny the facts....



أنا لا أريد تخويفك، ولكن أنذرك مُسبقا حتى تكون على أتم استعداد، سواء من الناحية النفسية أو الروحية. سيكون عام 2021 أكثر صعوبة من عام 2020. سيكون هناك المزيد من الفوضى العالمية، وستصبح الأجندة الفاشية أكثر عدوانية. توقّعِ الحروب والمجاعات.



People were dying everywhere and yet they continue to play their silly disgusting propaganda that the link is unclear..... and what war criminals will be those governments who will enforce these vaccines on their people...



Destroying the Global food supply is the prime objective of the Zionist globalists.. In India, the Hindu fascists have joined hands with the globalists and have embarked on an ambitious mission to destroy the Indian food supply to make way for mega corporate takeover. It's ugly



Unclear?? 😡🤦🤦



Brilliant! 🤦🤦🤦



یہ بات میری سمجھ سے باہر ہے کہ حکومت پاکستان کیوں پاگل ہو گئی ہے کہ زبردستی پوری قوم کو یہ خطرناک ویکسین لگائی جائے۔۔ کرونا ہو جائے یہ بہتر ہے بنسبت اس کے کہ انسان یہ ویکسین لگوائے۔۔ یہ پوری قوم کو قتل کریں گے۔۔ انتہائی تفصیلی مضمون پڑہیں۔


اللہ ان مجاہدوں کو برکت دے۔ امت مسلمہ کے خوش نصیب ترین فوج ہے کہ جسے اللہ نے غزوہ ہند کے لئے منتخب کیا ہے۔ کوئی کتنا ہی دشمن کے سامنے ذلت و غلامی قبول کرنے پر آمادہ ہو، دشمن تو حملہ آور ہوگا ہی۔ اور پھر یہی پاک فوج کے مجاہد سیدی رسول اللہ کی بشارتوں کو پورا کریں گے۔ اللہ اکبر!

🤔 what next now ... ویکسین سے اپنا بیڑا غرق بھی کروائیں گے اور فائدہ بھی کوئی نہیں ہوگا۔۔ یہ تو بات ہے کہ یہ ویکسین کرونا کا علاج ہے ہی نہیں۔

جب آپ لوگوں کو ہماری غزوہ ہند کی کتاب مل جائے تو ضرور بتائیں کہ کتاب وصول کرلی۔۔ ڈاک خانے سے سینکڑوں کتابیں بھیجی جا رہی ہے۔۔۔ جو نئے لوگ اسکیم کے بارے میں نہیں جانتے وہ سوال کرنے کے بجائے کچھ نیچے جا کر پوسٹ پڑھیں۔



Vaccines.....bringing your smile back... 🥴🤣



Vaccine will not even protect the men being will only destroy his immune system and cause unpredictable damage....20 new vaccines are totally uncharted territory and they do not know anything about the adverse reactions.... Too dangerous experimental drugs.





It is the religion which gives you the spiritual strength to ride through the difficult times.... So in the coming times, all religions will be savagely targeted for destruction. Hajj and umrah of Muslims will remain blocked, vaccinations made mandatory for visit to Holy cities.



The entire planet has now entered into the Global reset phase where the Eugenics will savagely implement their depopulation agenda.... Life will become painful, death will become violent.... To ride through this turbulent era you will need all the spiritual strength you have!