Friday 13 May 2022

Indians have already test fired and ranged their Cruise missile brahmos few weeks back...The missile was deliberately launched into Pakistan heading towards strategic airbase. It was a surprise attack and Pakistani air defences could not intercept it. Next wave will be real war.




Indian invasion strategy against Pakistan involve sudden launching of hundreds of brahmos Cruise missiles from all sea, land & air platforms to form a massive crippling barrage against Pakistan's critical infrastructures. To be followed by swarm IAF raids & IBGs roll in.



ابھی تو ناپی ہے دو گز زمین ہم نے۔۔ ابھی تو پورا ہندوستان باقی ہے۔۔۔۔ تم اس پاک سرزمین پر حملہ کرنا چاہتے ہو؟ ہمیں تو اس جنگ کی خبر اور فتح کی بشارت بہت پہلے دی جا چکی ہے۔۔ الحمداللہ۔‌ لبیک غزوہ ہند!




“I want to say to the Muslims…we will kill you one by one.” Local Hindutva leader in Rajasthan, India, urges Hindus to repeat the 2002 Gujarat genocide.... Clock is tiking on a biblical genocide in India.... And there is not a damn thing world is going to do about it.





Their IBGs are always for Pakistan not china. China is the bluff they use. Listen to the speech of ayub khan of 6 September 1965. Exactly same strategy of India he mentioned. India used the threat of China to draw in western support but used that against Pakistan.



بس اب تھوڑا صبر کرو۔۔ تم کو سب کچھ اپنی آنکھوں سے بہت جلد نظر آ جائے گا۔۔ جس نے پاکستان سے خیانت کی ہے وہ دنیا و آخرت میں دردناک عذاب میں مبتلا ہوگا۔۔ جس نے اس سیدی رسول اللہ کی امانت سے وفاداری کی، وہ دنیا و آخرت میں نوازا جائے گا۔۔ تم اپنی فکر کرو تم کہاں کھڑے ہو؟



Indian propaganda machinry strongly supporting the move by Modi's Zionists RSS government to erase every sign of 1000 years of Muslim rule from India. Erasing history is seen as a critical step before the final solution genocide of 200mn Muslims.