Wednesday 6 May 2020

He is going to create a vaccine for this flu called COViD 19 in 18 months...for 7 billion change their DNA & RNA .. Till that time, lockdowns will remain in place...humanity will be destroyed..wars & famine will engulf humanity. This is the devil personified talking.

Its time to fully support the freedom struggle by all means. Pakistan missed the greatest opportunity after August 5th. Now its given again....take the war to them..... Otherwise, this war is coming to us anyways....

Today, a freedom fighter Riaz nikhoo is martyred by Indian army in occupied Kashmir.... Thousands of people have come out on the streets, defying the lockdowns and attacking army trucks with sticks and stones.... He will be avenged... #RiazNaikoo

Of course we had the "vaccine" we made before the launch of this fake we will make hundreds of billions too while global economy is destroying itself under a fake panic.... Btw, everyone on the planet has to take it.

Israel shows fewer Covid-19 deaths than any other country.. Yes, because they created the problem at the first place and already had a vaccine ready...

Not suspicious at all They will kill anyone trying to expose their conspiracy...

US was always run by secret societies. Any President trying to resist was killed. Kennedy for one... Now I feel that moron as he may be, but Trump has become a pain in the neck for Bill Gates and his illuminatis. He may suffer Kennedy's fate...

Everything they say is a lie. They planted this virus. Prepared for it for years. Then they exagerated the fear, crafted the panic, killed blacks, Asians and Hispanics. Destroyed global economy, attacked religion, now going to sell vaccines, impose famine & wars. Can't you see?

Undeniable evidence of Conspiracy... Trump signed the US$2.2T Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) on 27th March 2020. Guess when the bill for the Act was TABLED in Congress? 24th January 2019!!

دین کی اصل روح ادب رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم اور حقوق العباد پر ہے۔ اور پھر جہاد فی سبیل اللہ پر ۔۔ ماشاءاللہ ان تینوں معیاروں پر ترک قوم نے ہمیشہ دین کی آبرو رکھی۔۔ پاکستانی قوم کی تعمیر نو کے لیے ہم بہت کچھ سیکھ سکتے ہیں اپنے ترک بھائیوں سے۔ بہت اعلی معیار قائم کیے ہیں ۔۔

تمام پاکستانی اس آڈیو کو سنیں اس سے پہلے کی یوٹیوب اس کو غایب کر دے۔ یہ مستند معلومات ہیں اور صاف بتا رہی ہیں کہ کس طرح وائرس کے علاج کے نام پر لوگوں کو قتل بھی کر رہے اور اور جھوٹے اعدادوشمار بنائے جارہے ہیں۔ یہ امریکہ کا ایک ہسپتال ہے۔

MUST WATCH,. She is a former govt insider who was jailed and under a gag order until recently. She spills the beans. Watch and spread pls.. پوری دنیا سے بہادر ڈاکٹر اب سامنے آ کر حق کو بیان کر رہے ہیں اور وائرس اور ان کے جھوٹ کا پول کھول رہے ہیں۔۔

Few weeks ago, this would be a too extreme fiction... Today, this is current affairs...and a real life reality show .. rather a live survival battle.. It has already become a reality in US and soon will be globally.... Been warning you for ages... Few weeks ago, this would be a too extreme fiction... Today, this is current affairs...and a real life reality show .. rather a live survival battle.. It has already become a reality in US and soon will be globally.... Been warning you for ages... 😒