Thursday 12 February 2015

Yemen also on the verge of being another Syria -- Houthi coup: Regional, global impact | Arab News

Ulma of 1300 and 2015

توحید (حضرت علامہ اقبال

زندہ قوت تھی جہاں میں یہی توحید کبھی
آج کیا ہے؟ فقط اک مسئلہ علم کلام

روشن اس ضو سے اگر ظلمت کردار نہ ہو
خود مسلماں سے ہے پوشیدہ مسلماں کا مقام

میں نے اے میر سپہ تیری سپہ دیکھی ہے
قل ہو اللہ کی شمشیر سے خالی ہیں نیام

آہ! اس راز سے واقف ہے نہ ملا‘ نہ فقیہہ
وحدت افکار کی بے وحدتِ کردار ہے خام

قوم کیا چیز ہے‘ قوموں کی امامت کیا ہے
اس کو کیا سمجھیں یہ بے چارے دورکعت کے امام

Another girl martyred by Khawarij after refusing from fake jihad nikah .. astaghfirullah !

Astaghfurullah! Abusing Islamic terms of Jihad, Nikah, Khilafat, Khalifa – this is why these Khawarij are called dogs of hell !!

I still do not know why ISPR do not use the term Khawarij for TTP ?????? can anyone help me to understand ?? Terms matter !!!!!

Reality of Khawarij

Every Alim from every sect should attack Khawarij --why we blame deobandies over relation with khawarij ??

It was a Deobandi masjid and an Deobandi Iman who was a Kharji, protected the Khawarij and then supported the massacre of our children !

Today, DG ISPR gave a detailed briefing on Peshawar massacre of our children. The entire gang was exposed, handlers were named and this was also disclosed that the killers stayed in the house of an Imam of Masjid before beginning their slaughter of our children !! It was a Deobandi masjid and an Deobandi Iman who was a Kharji, protected the Khawarij and then supported the massacre of our children ! We have been saying over and over again -- This is the Duty of Deoband Ulama to condemn the killers and Khawarij within their ranks. Otherwise, we will rip them apart, humiliate the, insult them and expose their filth which they hide in their hearts !

But we hear nothing from Tariq Jameel, Samee, Fazal, Sheerani, Mufti naeem. What we do hear is that Mufti naeem was also involved in burning 300 people alive in Karachi ! Ya Allah ! What a curse this fitnah of Khawarij is.....

The other day, MQM leader Haider Abbas Rizvi proudly shouted that he is a hardcore Shia who does matam with Zanjeers with his whole family !! It clearly mean that he is NOT a secular man but claims to represent the "Hussainiat" and Shias. But his hands are also dripping with blood but we hear NO Shia scholar condemning the murders, crimes and bhatta of MQM which Haider Rizvi represents. Here, we would demand from Shia scholars and community also to expel and disown those Shias who are leading the mass murders of MQM.

But just as Deobandis do not condemn the Khawarij, Shia Ulama remain silent on the crimes of their brothers in MQM !! This is the reason why Allah has inflicted azaab upon us.

InshAllah, now with MQM, this fitnah of Khawarij would also be nailed. But the Ulama have failed to rise and this is such a shame.... Astaghfurullah !!

Yesterday, a fierce firefight broke out in Jalalabad between AfghanTaliban (TTA) & Pakistani Taliban TTP - Zaid Hamid

Tweets: InshAllah, end of TTP Khawarij is close.

Yesterday, a fierce firefight broke out in Jalalabad between AfghanTaliban (TTA) & Pakistani Taliban TTP allied themselves with Daish! AfghanTaliban TTA have declared war on Daish. TTP did the catastrophic blunder of giving their allegiance to Daish. This suits Pakistan! :-)

This latest fight between TTA and TTP clearly suggests two critical points -
1. TTA are NOT supporting TTP.
2. TTA are NOT Takfiri Khawarij.

CIA/RAW are now trying to expand the footprint of Daish. All previous terror groups funded by CIA/RAW/Mossad are being asked to change names.

We had always maintained that there is NOT separate Daish in Pakistan & Afghanistan. There are only TTP Khawarij who are changing names now. Within Afghanistan now, Afghan Taliban are hunting all those Afghans who are now being planted by CIA to emerge as Daish. TTA is furious :-)