Monday 17 October 2022

This is the first war in military history were both sides are extensively deploying Drone warfare. Using drones as artillery observers, improvised mini bombers, anti tank weapon systems & loitering ammonitions for suicide missions. Every army in the world is watching closely.





Incredible creepy footage. Ukrainian police trying to shoot down the drones using their AK 47 rifles. Ukraine was certainly not prepared for this weapon system. They did not have conventional anti aircraft guns and their air defence system is useless against these drones.





Ukrainian air defender trying to shoot down the Drone with a surface to air missile but missed. The Drone crashed into the city. Most of these drones are battery powered, creating no heat signature for the surface to air missiles. You need old fashioned anti aircraft guns...





It is raining drones in Kiev! You are looking at the future of the, lethal, unstoppable & stealth...swarms of drones, smart or dumb, are the weapons of choice for every Army.. بھارت خاموشی سے اربوں ڈالر خرچ کر رہا ہے ڈرون ٹیکنالوجی خریدنے اور تیار کرنے کے لئے۔۔





اگر کسی جگہ عام طور پر سو لوگ مرا کرتے تھے تو اب وہاں اچانک ایک سو بیس لوگ مرنا شروع ہوگئے ہیں۔۔۔۔اس کا مطلب ہے کہ مرنے والوں کی تعداد میں ٢٠ فیصد اضافہ ہوگیا۔۔۔ پوری دنیا میں اچانک یہ ایک نئی بات شروع ہو گئی ہے اور ڈاکٹر اور سائنسدان وجہ جاننے کے باوجود خاموش بیٹھے ہیں۔۔





Chinese people are forced to take daily routine PCR test by QR code (vaccine passport) .. PCR is fake anyways .... But they used this fake science to destroy the world earlier too. If your daily PCR test comes negative you are immediately isolated and sent to isolation camp.





These guys have ice water in their veins.... Cold blooded murderers! They are itching to ignite a nuclear war.... Even suggesting that it will be good for climate change...😱 But Americans themselves are shit scared of a nuclear attack by North Korea & Russia.




They are doing this all over the world - hiding the real adverse reaction figures and damage data... They are not updating their statistical records, not complying to court orders, media blackouts... But now people are waking up to this historic genocide....



Millions of tons of food is available in the world but it cannot move around because they have destroyed the rail roads, ignited wars, created political unrest, labor strikes, dried rivers & burnt down food processing plants.... It is a total War on our food supply.



Not just in India but in every country of the world... especially developed ones. Total surveillance of the population is an integral part of the dystopian dictatorship they are creating using digital currencies & digital climate passports & social credit system.




It is going to get worse every year.. What Zelinsky has done is that he has sold the entire Ukrainian farmlands to American multinationals. US has also suffered the worst crop failure in history while BG bought all farmlands. Supply chain is being deliberately burnt down.



First they throw nails on the road to burst your tyres... Then they bring a crowbar to rip your tyre off completely..... Moderna plans to repair the MRNA jabbed damaged hearts with another powerful MRNA injection.... #They_Think_Everyone_Is_Idiot

Most of the people do not realise the dangers of digital currency.. The general perception is that it will make life easy and you will not have to carry cash and it will be safe..... No dears..... This is the ultimate enslavement weapon system. Listen to this ..👇





If you still cannot see the future these bastards plan for you and your children, then I guess you deserve what's coming to you. Eating insects would be the milder part....complete slavery & brutal jail like cities are next. You will have digital IDs & cannot own anything...



These WEF planted leadership is in almost every country now ... You can find all their names on the world economic forum website.... All Pakistani political parties have major players from world economic forum, including IK himself. Those who jab you on their behalf!


China was always on board with World Economic Forum's Global Reset plan.... They started the COVID fraud... Now enforcing the dystopian draconian dictatorship to be replicated globally...& Digital surveillance system.. Now will join hands with WEF to destroy Europe.




These people are true devils in human forms... The original virus they produced did not have the required kill rate..... Show they improved it's strength and lethality.. And of course this will spread more terror and then more jabs and more windfall profits... Cycle of death!



Turkey is making world class drones. Iran is exporting world class drones. India is working on Drone swarms, loitering ammunition. Pakistan.... بلدیاتی انتخابات کرائے جائیں گے یا نہیں. 🤦🙄

This morning Kyiv has been hit by a large wave of Iranian suicide drones - soldiers, police and civilians have all taken to the streets to try to shoot them down... This is a new dimension to the modern warfare for which the traditional air defence was certainly not prepared...





سوئیڈن کی حکومت زبردستی مسلمان مہاجرین سے ان کے بچے چھین کر یتیم خانوں میں جمع کرا رہی ہے۔۔ پھر کوئی نہیں جانتا کہ ان بچوں کے ساتھ کیا ہوگا۔۔ یہاں ایک عراقی مسلمان ماں سے اس کے بچے چھینے جا رہے ہیں۔۔ ماں اور بچے کی چیخیں دل دہلا دینے والی۔ کیوں جاتے ہو تم کافروں کے ملک میں رہنے؟