Friday 21 October 2022

The realisation comes too late too little...... The fatal damage has been done....But yes you are 100% right....They have taken decades of planning to push the world to this abyss..... We the resistance were always right.... We saw this war before you could....we tried to warn!





You still cannot seem to get what is happening? This is Europe in the last 2 years... against loss of freedoms, vaccine passports, cost of living, and now the sanctions on Russia that are crippling EU economies. Isn't this incredible that you never see this on mainstream media?





You will start feeling sorry for the people of Europe.. It is incredible that the people of poor countries will survive much better in these difficult times.. The urban population of Europe is totally vulnerable & dependent upon food banks. They cannot grow their own food.



How to make you eat bugs? Destroy your income and jobs... Destroy your food supply and kill the farmers... Destroy your capacity to buy quality food... Create mass media hype as bugs being "cool".. Offer you alternate food....and here you are eating bugs for breakfast....



Extremely generous! What a brilliant incentive to take the jab! آسٹریلیا کی حکومت نے ایک نئی سکیم شروع کی ہے جس کے مطابق اگر آپ زہریلے ٹیکے لگانے سے مرگئے تو حکومت آپ کے جنازے کے تمام اخراجات ادا کرے گی۔۔ اس کو کہتے ہیں قیادت اور اس کا ویژن۔۔۔ ایتھے رکھ!



This group is clearly funded and back by the CIA & Mossad. Just as they did with ISIS.. Iranian millitant group Jaish al-Adl released new video + statement, showing its military preparations and announcing its entry into the ongoing struggle against the Ayatullahs regime..





Back in 2020 they promised you a cold dark winter! True to their word, it has arrived! You are witnessing a spectacular collapse of the richest continent on the planet.... And it has hit them so fast and so hard that nothing could prepare them for this.... #Europe 




Now they are cutting internet cables almost on daily basis.... Just like they destroyed the gas lines coming out of Russia.. Just like they are burning the food processing plants.. Just like they are destroying the farmers and the farm lands ... Right in front of your eyes!



This Dutch man is really angry and he has his own reasons...... I guess these are the feelings of every saner European right now...... Incredible insight into what is being done to the continent by its own very leadership......





This is a massive social experiment to see for how long people can maintain their sanity when locked down in solitary confinement in their own apartments...... The results are being compiled by the WEF and will be used to deploy similar controls in Europe too. Your future ..👇





Your daily PCR test QR code must be green otherwise you cannot avail any service in the society. You cannot ride a bus or take a train, you cannot do grocery shopping or even go to public toilet..ultimate humiliation. This is the ultimate digital control the plan for the world.





Desperate people locked down in their apartments for months are having nervous breakdowns and jumping off the buildings to their deaths.... This is not science fiction from some dystopian horror movie but real life nightmare coming to you soon too. New world order!





These are the Quarantine cams made for hundreds of thousands of citizens in China.... If your PCR test came negative, you will be transported here and locked. Everyday you have to renew your QR code on your mobile phone to continue living in the society.





This is how the Chinese will lock you down in your apartment for months........ I am receiving videos that hundreds of people are jumping from high rise buildings after having nervous breakdowns..... You have to take a PCR test every 48 hours else you lose all social benefits..





It is only a matter of time when the dollar will be come trash..... And then the entire United States will look like this street..... China or Russia do not have to throw a nuclear bomb on the United States..... They just have to stop using dollars. Work in progress already..


He will blame the climate and the wars..... But he will never mention the deliberate destruction of food processing plants, destroying the farmers and the farmland by the governments. Farmers are protesting all over the world against government policies to destroy food supply.




Was this the 100th or 200th food plant to catch fire "accidently" in the last few months ..? While you are focused on the Ukraine war, do not ignore the demolition going on behind your back.....

BrassTacks Global threat matrix... Things nobody else will tell you about at one place... google drive download link