Wednesday 19 January 2022

You can run... You can hide... But you will be found. We will take revenge for our children... Another RAW proxy TTP commander attacked & wounded. He has to be lucky every time.. We have to be lucky only once... 🇵🇰🇵🇰😎



All over the world same strategy of the globalists. Use the useful idiots to destroy their societies..... Then blame them for destroying the economy.... And then replace them with more useful idiots...... And keep the public confused ..

NOW - UK PM Boris Johnson: "The government will no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere." Extreme resistance from the public & sheer stupidity of the measures which could not be defended by the government & total societal collapse forced the government to withdraw.





The great reckoning begins: "Almost no leader, anywhere in the world, can claim their pandemic strategy was a success." IK govt also simply rolled over & surrendered national interest on COVID also ...Absolutely no resistance to the globalist plan...

چلو الحمدللہ اس پر کوئی تحریک تو شروع ہوئی۔۔ہمیں یہ دھیان رکھنا ہے کہ پاکستان کے صفوں کے غدار اس نظام کو بھی ہائی جیک نہ کرلیں۔۔۔ظاہر ہے یہ سیاسی کمینے کوشش کریں گے کہ اس نیے نظام کو بھی گندا کیا جائے، تاکہ وہ اپنی گلی سڑی پارلیمانی غلاظت کو جایز کر سکیں۔