Friday 1 July 2016

Kabul regime can NEVER be trusted. Pakisan must support Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan back into power. Enough !!!

Lets share with you a historic blunder which India did way back in 1958. Till that time, Gawader was owned by Oman & managed by India :)))

This is perhaps the only occasion in his wicked life when Churchill spoke the truth :)))) lol..

Global economic Terrorist & "Hit man" John Perkins explains how they enslaved Saudi Arabia & created Petro dollars!

True brutal face of Judeo-Christian civilization over the last 300 years & still going the same decadent path..

Every day thousands of people email me and ask why is army not removing this corrupt regime? :))

What 56 Muslim countries could not do for Palestine, Turkey alone has achieved through one agreement.

Every day I receive dozens of messages and email to explain why Turkey has established diplomatic relations with Israel... ? Many idiots are attacking Turkey to spit their own personal venom.

This is the reality of that deal... ! Now Turkey will be able to send aid and supplies to the brave Palestinians of Gaza, Israel will apologize to Turkey, Israel will pay damages and Turkey will have an open access to Gaza to build schools, hospitals and masjids.

Have faith. Turks are our brave and dignified brothers. They will never compromise on the honor of the Ummah. What 56 Muslim countries could not do for Palestine, Turkey alone has achieved through one agreement. May Allah protect Turks from the fitnah of Israel and make Turkey more strong to defend the Ummah along with Pakistan.. Ameen.