Saturday 2 May 2020

لا تستوقف الشرطة الهندية على حواجز الطرق سوى المسلمين فقط وتقوم بالاعتداء عليهم، ثم تختطف النساء لاغتصابهن 🤬 يتم توثيق المئات من هذه الحالات يوميا في #الهند #الكويت #باكستان #السعودية

California - People are fed up with state governments and breaking the lockdowns......this will spread to other states too.. This is going against the Zionists plans... People are even demanding arrest of Bill Gates...

Understandibly Zionists are angry.... I have a feeling that Trump would be assasinated or impeached....!

"presumed Covid19"... This is how fake figures are being created & projected globally. Complete fraud.... When their lab created virus failed to kill enough people, they started faking the death figures.... People can see that and revolting... Same in Pakistan too....

It's ongoing right now in Indian occupied Kashmir.. Freedom fighters are hurting the occupation forces hard.... Kashmiris will have to riseup themselves and grab their freedom..noone will give them in charity...

يعمل الجناح اليميني المتطرف #RSS بشكل علني في #السعودية تحت مسمى #Samanwaya لدى #RSS أذرع في كل دولة خليجية وتحت أسماء مختلفة، حيث يقومون بتنظيم أنشطتهم المعادية للإسلام والمسلمين والداعمة للهندوتفا، متخذين من الأنشطة الثقافية ذريعة ووسيلة لذلك. #الهند #الكويت #الإمارات #قطر

اشتباك عنيف على الحدود الكشميرية بين الجيشين الباكستاني والهندي، تكبد الهنود خسائر فادحة جدا، حيث تم قتل وإصابة 12 جنديا وتدمير جميع المواقع الأمامية في قطاع واحد. كان هذا انتقامًا للهجمات الهندية على سكاننا المدنيين وقنصهم لأحد جنودنا منذ يومين. #باكستان #الهند #الكويت_بدون_بصل

Keep your heart and minds open to those free voices that are challanging the Zionist narrative . Don't dismiss them or you will be destroying your own children and grandchildren.... There is no margin for stupidity here. Wake up or perish..

At least listen before you start to scream conspiricy.... Very few voices are resisting the devil himself...

More people die of over eating at iftar and eating Jalebis than killed by COViD in 4 months.... Yet, they destroyed the country's economy in panic, spent 1500 billions as emergency support, destroyed middle & poorest classes, created a food famine..& made country vulnerable...

He was the Afghan NDS handler of BLA terrorists in Pakistan... responsible for all terrorist attacks in Baluchistan. Hundreds of innocents were killed by his gangs. Finally, taken out by friendly forces in Afghanistan. One less to deal with...!

Indian police only stopping Muslims on roadblocks and thrashing them severely...then kidnapping the women also for rape.... 🤬 Hundreds of such cases bring reported daily in India...!

Fierce clash on Kashmir LOC between Pakistan Army and Indian troops.... Indians suffered very heavy casualties.....12 dead and wounded and all forward posts destroyed in one sector. This was revenge for Indian attacks on our civilian population & sniping a soldiar two days ago.

امام شافعی، ہارون رشید کی قید میں۔ انہوں نے تو سچ بولنے پر معافی مانگ کر جان نہیں چھوڑای۔۔ اسی لیے قیامت تک امت رسول میں معزز اور با برکت ہیں۔۔دین کے محافظ کے طور پر یاد کیے جاتے ہیں۔ امام مالک اور امام احمد بن حنبل کی بھی کھالیں اتار دی گئں مگر کبھی ظالم سے معافی نہیں مانگی۔