Sunday, 28 June 2020

Do you have your medical packs ready? Do you know how to stop blood and stitch wounds? Can you stablize someone with fractured leg or arm or broken bones? Can you administer a drip? Join medical first aid courses and learn before crisis hits you in your face...!

Because this SOB is going to launch a stronger strain ....after failing to kill enough in first attempt... 😡 There is NO way anyone can know this execpt the ones releasing it ...for the second time..

They have many options...and saying it audaciously.. Swine flu. Volcanic eruption. Global warming/droughts. Meteor strike. Viruses. Nuclear war. Solar flare. Some they control. Some they will artificially create and give the perception it's a natural dusaster..

Predictive Programming Movie - Also note the title of Economist I gave in other tweet shows this event....then comes the movie...programming you for what they plan next...! COViD was just a child's play...real stuff is coming soon...

While half of the world population is dying of hunger and malnutrition....tens of millions of children included... After these crimes, when they show concern for your polio drops, you know these swines have an agenda & not concern for humanity...... 🤬😡

The fact that Pakistan is allowing this to happen and not disrupting the enemy plans is a historiç betrayal and blunder....! How can IK just sit back and watch when there are a million options to hurt the enemy, even if he doesn't want an open war? This is so painful!!

They are openly flaunting it, mocking you & challenging you to stop what they have started.....but to their own surprise, the population has become too dumb, too afraid & too programmed to offer any resistance... This is what they plan.....but Providence has plans too....!