Sunday 22 July 2018

We want you to focus on the dangerous inconsistencies in his speeches. Imagine he making such blunders at international stage as a PM, as PTI walas wish him to be.

This is the disease even our patriots suffer from - stupidity!!!! PTI walas should read this especially who thinks honesty of IK is enough to make him our saviour.

اللہ ان ظالموں کو مچھروں اور چیونٹیوں سے عذاب دے رھا ھے۔ اللہ تباہ و برباد کرے انہیں۔ ان فرعونوں کا زوال بھی شروع ہو چکا۔ اللہ أکبر!!!

I will not comment anything but let the readers read and decide themselves.... TLP has a lot of explanation to do here.....The source of the news is also given... their candidate runs a kidnapping/rape/trafficking gang as per 92

Indian General explains entire Indian strategy against Pakistan...Pak will now fight India in Afg be it !!

Everyone is a fraud here and mullahs are the biggest of them all. MMAs election symbol is book.

Dawn has damned itself after this brilliant display of shooting themselves in the foot.... After this incriminating interview, Mr hameed Haroon has charged himself of treason...

Pakistani sources are now confirming the assasination of RAWs station chief in Kabul. Indians are understandably silent about it for its a huge embarrassment and setback for their operations against Pak

Dear members, we are looking for sponsors to help us print second edition of our historical epic.

Where Zardari & Nawaz destroyed us totally, this caretaker Govt and its financial policies are putting the last nail in our coffin....

We have only two options left now to deal with such staggering savage terror. Either we give a free hand to Military Courts, without any right of appeal in HC or SC for the terrorists. OR ISI goes for covert swine hunting without bringing the terrorists within the system

Hilarious.... this rascal Zardari knows his reputation as a murderous corrupt thief but accepts that no has told this on his face before.....!!

Now when this swine is in jail, his brother is complaining about "dirty jail cell".... Soon, the Don jr will also join his brother, iA.

Pakistan and Iran face common threats in the region from US, Israel and ISIS. Iran need to address our concerns on India and support to sectarian Shias

This is probably Europe somewhere and this man has drawn flags on ground asking for charity. People see the flag of their country and drop coins. Now see where Pakistanis stand...💖🇵🇰👍

This is probably Europe somewhere and this man has drawn flags on ground asking for charity. People see the flag of their country and drop coins. Now see where Pakistanis stand...💖🇵🇰👍

Said this months ago. Listen to it again. This will explain the latest wave of Terrorism in Pakistan.

Said this months ago. Listen to it again. This will explain the latest wave of Terrorism in Pakistan.

Entire civil military clash in Pak can be resolved through one master stroke --- if they cannot do that, they have NO right to be in politics, no right to rule.

Entire civil military clash in Pak can be resolved through one master stroke --- all children of politicians should be forced to serve in the army and defend the motherland and die for it too.....!!! if they cannot do that, they have NO right to be in politics, no right to rule.

A statement from Abadi’s office cited “small and organized groups who try to exploit the peaceful demonstrations of citizens to sabotage and attack state institutions and private property.”

A statement from Abadi’s office cited “small and organized groups who try to exploit the peaceful demonstrations of citizens to sabotage and attack state institutions and private property.” Same game they are trying in Pakistan now through "small groups"

میں نے کہا تھا نہ کہ بلوروں کی پرانی نسل غدار ملت، ننگ وطن و قوم ھے؟؟

میں نے کہا تھا نہ کہ بلوروں کی پرانی نسل غدار ملت، ننگ وطن و قوم ھے؟؟ یہی حرامی پورے پیشاور میں گندی فلمیں چلا کر ھمارے بچوں کی پوری نسل تباہ کروا چکا ھے۔ پھر ریلوے تباہ کی۔ ہمیشہ پاکستان کے خلاف جنگ کی۔ اب دھشت گردی کا ‌الزام بھی پاک فوج پر۔ پڑھ لو اب۔۔۔