Thursday 19 August 2021

I see the Americans barking up the wrong tree once again.... They are gunning for #BidenIsALaughingstock In reality, they should be crucifying this SOB. #Biden may have handled it clumsily, but he has done a favour to the American nation.




You will beg and regret when your own governments will take away your children.... And use as Guinea pigs for experimental drugs... When you will be locked in quarantine camps for not being vaccinated... When you will lose all your freedoms under New world order Very soon!






Today I see many from the Western world criticizing Taliban for being harsh, demonizing them. Very soon you will be begging to come & live under the protection of the Islamic Emirate. Under the global reset, the most savage dystopian dictatorship is coming to your countries.





English language. How the fall of kabul has become a threat to Zionist NWO. #BidenIsALaughingstock This is our groundbreaking analysis on fall of Kabul with English subtitles... Please share with the english-speaking world.


People of Afghanistan themselves invited Afghan Taliban...The bare footed shepherds and farmers... Who were honest to the core, brave and dignified...Never looted the wealth of the people.. America was defeated morally first before the military defeat... #BidenIsALaughingstock




American people seriously need to ask questions from their leadership of the last 20 years.... It is not just #BidenIsALaughingstock They invested on the most corrupt criminal & debouch people to protect the interests of the Americans This is the family of Ashraf ghani...😱


The Afghan Taliban govt (IEA) is new. They are simple yet dignified people. Alhumdulliah, Pakistanis are relatively more educated and tech advance nation.We are 1 Ummah. Our IEA family will need us to defeat the global propaganda & conspiracies aimed at undermining IEA. (1/2)





And in the end it was a military solution! He is dangerously naive into geopolitics and war strategies.... He has shady advisors.... And he freezes when moments to take great decisions come..... He has shown this tendency over and over again.... It really scares me...



La communauté mondiale est dépitée suite à la victoire des talibans. Est-ce réellement dû à l'oppression et l'obscurantisme qui va s'abattre sur les femmes Pourquoi est-ce une victoire face au Nouvel Ordre Mondial ? #giletsjaunes #emmanuellepen #kaboul


الحمد لله، اليوم هو #يوم_عاشوراء وتم الإعلان عن إعادة تشكيل الحكومة الإسلامية في #أفغانستان فنيابة عن الأمة الباكستانية والأمة الإسلامية، نهنئ مجاهدي أفغانستان. لقد حفظت تضحياتهم بيت أمة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. نسأل الله ان يتقبل تضحياتهم #اليوم_العاشر



في مكان ما عام 2009، أعطيت المقابلة التالية إلى قناة إعلامية غربية ... لقد كان تهديدا مباشرا للأمريكيين وكشف الحقيقة الكامل من حربهم الخادعة في أفغانستان ...... يستحق الاستماع مرة أخرى .. #كابل #طالبان_تهزم_أميركا




Dystopian nightmerish dictatorship is what is coming to Europe and America.... Worry about your own backyard..... Your children will be taken away from you.... And you will be enslaved very soon.... The new normal.....




Afghan Taleban declared their Islamic Emirate today.... To all the freedom loving people of the world, if you are against global colonisation & crimes of the Zionist military industrial complex, then congratulate the Islamic government of Afghanistan. They have fought YOUR war!



الحمدللہ آج عاشورے کے دن، افغانستان میں دوبارہ اسلامی حکومت کے قیام کا اعلان ہو چکا ہے۔۔۔۔پوری پاکستانی قوم اور امت مسلمہ کی جانب سے ہم افغانستان کے مجاہدین کو مبارکباد پیش کرتے ہیں۔۔۔ان کی قربانیوں نے امت رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی لاج رکھ لی ہے۔۔۔ اللہ قبول فرمائے۔۔۔



Taliban announce declaration of Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan on 102 liberation anniversary from the British۔ اس وقت پاکستان کیا کرتا ہے یہ باتیں عرصے تک یاد رکھی جائیں گی۔۔ ہمیں فوری طور پر اس نئی حکومت کو تسلیم کرنا چاہیے۔


صرف یہ تصویر پاکستان کی خارجہ پالیسی کا جنازہ ہے۔۔ ان کمبختوں کو پتہ ہی نہیں ہے کہ کابل میں حکومت تبدیل ہو چکی ہے اور طالبان نے امارت اسلامی کا اعلان کردیا ہے۔۔۔۔ یہ ابھی تک ‌ممعزول و منسوخ شدہ حکومت سے مذاکرات کر رہے ہیں۔۔۔۔🤦


Kabul collapsed within a week... USSR had collapsed within months.... So who's next? BTW, USSR collapsed within months after their retreat from Afghanistan....... Americans are doing that right now..... So how much time we have?




Taliban warning shots are too close for comfort..... You don't mess with these guys..... 🤣 #Biden




Taliban fighters are controlling the outer gates of the airport as the US Embassy staff, mercenary contractors and CIA operators quickly pass through heads down without making any eye contact... The tension is razor sharp... This is one disgraceful exit... #Biden




Somewhere around 2009, I gave the following interview to a western media outlet... It was a direct threat to the Americans and a complete expose of their deceptive war in Afghanistan...... It is worth hearing once again... #Biden




This is my famous series of 2009...CIA's threats to Pakistan... Words to this effect. "Fear the day when decide to do with you what we did to the soviets. You cannot stay in Afghanistan. You have betrayed us. Do not test our patience. We have had enough"




Intelligence estimates of the finest think tanks and brains can also go horribly wrong when you are arrogant and incompetent and you can lose a country in 7 days..! What happened with US always happens with pompous arrogant incompetent inglorious bastards....! #KabulHasFallen



Most of the people have not even begun to register the magnitude of the geo-political earthquake & the shockwaves it will send across the globe for decades. Govts & media still stuck in the shit shows of petty HR issues. Petty minds dealing with gigantic events....


Every Think Tank, every defense establishment would be scratching their heads for decades... How come two super powered, nuclear military alliances, Warsaw pact under USSR & NATO under USA, came to be defeated & destroyed within 40 years in the same country by the same people.