Tuesday 17 January 2023

تم پاکستان کی نمائندگی نہیں کرتے ۔۔۔ نا ہی تم کشمیر کی نمائندگی کرتے ہو، نہ نظریہ پاکستان کی، نہ پاکستان کی مسلح افواج کی۔۔ تمہارے لیے خاموشی بہتر ہے۔۔۔ بھارت کے مشرکوں سے ساتھ ہماری جنگ ازل سے ہے اور غزوہ ہند کے آخری معرکے تک جاری رہے گی۔۔ لبیک غزوہ ہند! اب وقت قریب ہے۔









Klaus Schwab telling us how great life will be after the WEF has implanted microchips in all our brains. That's the plan.... And you thought they are trying to protect you from a bloody flu? How dumb stupid you can be....






Most logical and sensible comments coming from good Jews! Let's see when the Zionists start calling them anti-semetic...😁 The European Acheknazi zionists ruling Israel today are not Semites anyways.... It's the Palestinians who are real Semites ...true residents of the land.








DAVOS WATCH: USA climate envoy John Kerry claims that the WEF globalists are the "select group of human beings” touched by something at some point in their lives that caused them to have a savior complex He calls the experience “extra terrestrial” Raped by Jinns 👆🏻🤣






جب آپ ملک کا خزانہ اور اسٹیٹ بینک آئی ایم ایف کے معاشی دہشت گردوں کے حوالے کر دیتے ہیں تو پھر وہ اس طرح ملک اور قوم کو تباہ کرتے ہیں۔۔۔ یہ وہ ظلم ہے جو عمران نے پاکستان کے ساتھ کیا۔۔یہ وہ بارودی سرنگ ہے جو اب پھٹ رہی ہے اور گورنرسٹیٹ بینک کو کوئی روک بھی نہیں سکتا۔۔









Ameen! Will happen... This prophecy is foretold in all scriptures....& It seems that zionists themselves are in a hurry to make it happen....









This is Syria under ISIS ...? Or is it Libya under Al-Qaeda? Seems scary right? Imagine living under this savage brutal martial law, arbitrary street executions & rapes .... Welcome to Indian occupied Kashmir.....! This is Hindutwa ideology of Modi & RSS.






Reportedly, SS has asked UAE to facilitate talks with India. India is going to exploit this opportunity to humiliate Pakistan and its entire political and information warfare teams have already launched their campaign to rub us to the ground. What a disasterous move by SS.




By sending a message to Indians that we are weak, Pakistan has only encouraged India to get more aggressive in accusing Pakistan of supporting terror. They are going to give us a wish list which will only humiliate Pakistan and our armed forces. Very bad & dangerous move by SS.




Aren't these the people who pushed millions to take the poison jab? I guess, it's karma in motion.... But why you don't see any politician dying? Because they all faked it & never took themselves.....



