Sunday 28 November 2021

So you have covid but its symptomless? But you can transmit it to others? Who will also not have symptoms? And it wont be detected by tests? Also its resistant to vaccines so we need boosters.... Which are meant for the initial COVID and not strains .. Please help me .. 🙄🥴🤣



Language warning...but priceless message.... This video is of George Carlin, an american comedian, from more than a decade ago. Almost prophetic.



😁 and the panic......



Hundreds of thousands came out in Australia yesterday..... No mainstream media reported... With such level of censorship, you know that you have already entered into dictatorship.... Democracy is dead... Humanity is being enslaved into new dark ages...



Forced vaccinations, Lockdowns, vaccine passports, travel restrictions....... Now there is panic setting into the population.... Slowly they can feel the hanging rope around their necks ....



Mainstream media is not reporting it..... But desperate, angry and afraid people are resisting all over the world..... Panic is now setting in... People now see the reality of this dystopian dictatorship taking over the world....... We are really entering into a dark ages..