Monday 1 November 2021

#النظام_العالمي_الجديد #كورونا إنه يقول بوضوح إنهم سيتجاوزون جميع حكومات العالم ويجعلونها غير ذات صلة بتحقيق أجندتهم للتدمير العالمي وإعادة التعيين ... اليوم كل الحكومات تشن حروبا ضد شعوبها ...... يسيطر عليها دعاة العولمة ..

He is clearly saying that they are going to bypass all governments of the world and make them irrelevant in achieving their agenda of global destruction & Reset..... Today all governments are waging wars against their own people...... being controlled by the globalists..



Why do you think Indian airborne brigades are practicing deep insertion behind enemy lines? Are they planning to invade China? Only a jackass will believe that... Under the deception and facade of preparing for war against China, Indians are planning an invasion of Pakistan.



Dear Australians, what you did to Aborigines will be done to you now.....I guess it's called natural justice! The same will happen to Canadians, New Zealanders and British citizens..... Your own army will occupy your homes & kill you....if you resist slavery!



Kamera açık ... Kamera kapalı.... Bu domuzlar tüm gezegeni aptal yerine koyuyoro kadar utanmadan ki mide bulandırıcı🤮🤮

Camera on ... Camera off.... These swines are making a fool out of entire planet so shamelessly that it is nauseating..... 🤮🤮