Wednesday 9 September 2020

This is a fairly correct opinion from this Indian analyst... Indians have lost over a thousand square kilometres of their territory in ladakh and now they face a possibility of a 2.5 front war... .5 means internal revolt inside the valley.. اللہ پاکستان کو پھر موقع دے رہا ہے ۔۔




Reportedly a latest video of Chinese army beating the crap out of Indian #LadakhClash what is interesting is that Chinese are using mediaeval age weapons like spears, lances and spiked rods... It's pretty ruthless and hand to hand... And Indians are pooping... 😁




Without any doubt the most brilliant description of Indians by any American President.... This is exactly what we have been trying to tell the world about Indians too..... Complete suckers and rascals.... Never trust them... I loved reading every line of it... 😁🤗

اس پاکستان کی خدمت ہر ایک کے نصیب میں نہیں آتی۔۔ آج کے دور میں ولی بننے کا آسان طریقہ یہی ہے کہ پاکستان سے وفاداری کرو کہ یہ سیدی رسول اللہ کی امانت ہے ۔۔۔ آج نہ نماز کام آئے گی نہ روزہ نہ حج اگر اس پاکستان سے خیانت کی تو۔۔ پاکستان کے سارے خاین و غدار سن لیں۔

Only 8 weeks left to the US elections and you can clearly see that the zionist lobby is doing everything to bring Trump down... They want Army to go against Trump is well... All these media guys are Jewish and Pro Israel. Very interesting! I wonder what Jared would think?





A reminder to you all who fell for the lies earlier that asymptomatic persons are the cause of the Pandamic. Even if you are positive, if you are asymptomatic you are not infecting anyone.... They were lying to you earlier.... Now blurting out the truth...

Totally screwed! Imagine they want to inject the entire planet with this poison.... 🤬😡




Tough luck to those who took the vaccines! Poor disposable guinea pigs... The trial seems to have gone horribly wrong in UK. They are hiding the true ferocity of the adverse reactions..... 😱



He is an idiot but he is stubborn... And somehow is stumbling on the path of the zionists new World order.. There is very high probability that he will be assassinated if he starts to win the next elections.... All US presidents are zionist puppets but some are more stubborn...




Fate of Kashmir will be decided after a decisive war only... The winner will take all...