Wednesday 2 March 2022

Ukrainian cities are beginning to look like Syrian cities now...destruction, refugees & all. For the last 30 years, the "brown skinned, savage people" from the middle East were being decimated by the "blue eyed white skinned" "civilized" races. Now, nature takes its revenge!





Just last week, these men were living normal ordinary lives.... plumbers, shopkeepers, businessman, mechanics and electricians.... Today they are all conscripts of National defence force raised hurriedly & fighting as soldiers.... No more civilians.. That's what wars do...





The book is called The Fate of Empires Search for Survival. It is a Summary of Empires and he highlights all the Major factors when any nation goes into decline. 1. Loss of Religion 2. Decadence 3. Your leaders are Actors / Sportsmen. Every nation should search their own soul.


Never ever forget this... United States and NATO pouring death on to Baghdad and other Iraqi cities.... Killing tens of thousands of women and children and civilians..... Incredibly Ukraine was also part of this campaign of death and blood.. I guess it is karma time. #Ukriane




This is not thunderstorm... This is enemy artillery at your doorstep.... For anyone not prepared physically mentally and spiritually for such a calamity, this is going to be a nerve wracking experience.. This is going to be the new normal for many countries of the world...




The first world war destroyed the existing world order.... Austro-hungarian Empire, Russian empire and most importantly the Ottoman Empire.... Only to vacate the land of Palestine to create Israel! Remember Balfour declaration? Now we are on the verge of world War 3....why?





He certainly deserves this one! 😁🤣 #Russians #RussiaUkraine #Ukriane



When your leaders are Comedians and criminal collaborators with the globalists to drag your country to a deathly war, like a sheep led to its slaughter...... Then you have such scenes on the roads.. Country under invasion and the desperate nation digging up their own cities..



A Nazi Swastika is bad in Canada...... But good in Ukraine... They will ban it in Canada & Europe......but will fully support and flutter it in Ukraine.... Nazi are bad in Europe..... But good against Russia.... Western civilization at its best! #Russians





These are the most aggressive invasion level Indian military exercises near Pakistan's border. 😠 For months Russians were doing military exercises near the Ukrainian border...... Then one day one exercise simply turned into a real invasion.


It does not take a genius to figure out that we are on the verge of a global catastrophe and a world war.. Wars, famine, human migration and man-made diseases... Countries, Nations and the individuals not prepared for these times will be decimated.. #UkraineCrisis #worldwar3



Never ever trust what the Western media is projecting against Russia.... While they are fighting Russia on ground, the battles are being waged on the front of information war and economics as well... Extremely heavy censorship & lies on western social media platforms...



This may be a climate change protest but using crisis actors to fake a calamity is a normal disinformation method. During the covid drama, there are videos where they faked the deaths and hospitals wards using crisis actors. All their wars use crisis actors to fake atrocities.