Saturday 8 August 2020

🙄😳🤦😡🤬 اور کون حرامخور ذمہ دار ہے؟


Dedicated to all the deaf dumb and blind followers of political scumbags..... 🤣



Another ME country gone to dogs to create greater Israel... The country was already on the brink of collapse.... Then one Israeli bomb triggerd the final demolition.....


Just check the date of this tweet....! Zardari government have stolen millions of tons of wheat... The Sindh food minister is a Hindu who runs his own flour mills and steals millions of tons of government wheat....


It's all over the world.... Entire societies have been destroyed. Now you tell me ..was the fear of a bloody flu and lock downs worth it? now millions and millions will die because of economic and social destruction.! Such blood idiots.. Our leaders destroyed us totally..

Millions of Americans are going to lose their homes because they cannot pay the rent....! If you are in United States start preparing to move out... Or you will be caught in the great meltdown... It's never going to be the same again...

Probably they are going to kill him... If not, will drag him out by his neck...


NOV. 2020 - Predictive Programming ... They are preparing you for the gori drama they are going to unfold in US very soon.... Welcome to anarchy! If you have dollars convert them to Gold...


Honorable man! Dignified leader! Thorough gentleman!

Batılı güçler ve halkları müslümanların neden öfkeli olduklarını unutma eğilimindeler... Fakat müslümanlar hatırlıyor! Artık uzlaşmanın olamayacağı bir aşamaya geçtik... Batılı ve Doğulu güçler müslüman medeniyetini ortadan kaldırma çalışmalarına devam ediyor...



كانت مخازن الطعام في جميع المواقع الثلاثة هي الهدف، وتم تدميرها بالكامل. هذه ليست حرائق عرضية ولكنها عمل حربي متعمد لتدمير الإمدادات الغذائية لهذه البلدان وخلق إبادة غذائية. #لبنان 🇱🇧 #بيروت 🇱🇧 #الامارات #العراق #النجف #عجمان


تميل القوى الغربية وشعوبها إلى نسيان سبب غضب المسلمين، لكن المسلمين يتذكرون! لقد وصلنا إلى مرحلة لا يمكن أن يكون فيها مصالحة الآن. تواصل القوى الغربية والشرقية تواصل تدمير #الحضارة_الإسلامية. #أفغانستان #سوريا #العراق #اليمن #ليبيا #أسبانيا


کوئی بھی چہرے پر ماسک نہیں پہنا ہوا۔۔۔ نہ کسی نے سماجی فاصلہ رکھا ہوا ہے۔۔۔ نہ کسی کو کرونا ہے نہ کسی کو اس طرح سے لگے گا۔۔ بلکہ ایک ڈاکٹر تو یہ بھی بیان کر رہا ہے کہ پاکستانیوں کا مدافعتی نظام غیر معمولی طور پر مضبوط ہے۔۔ ماسک والے ڈرامے کو اب بند ہونا چاہیے۔۔ بہت مذاق ہو گیا


Western powers and their people tend to forget why muslims are angry........ But Muslims remember! we have reached a stage where there can be no reconciliation now....Western and Eastern powers continue to decimate Muslim civilization....