Thursday 23 September 2021

پہلے اس مفرور حرام خور کے بچے کو پکڑیں جعلی ویکسی نیشن سرٹیفکیٹ بنوانے پر۔۔ اس کے بعد قوم کو دھمکیاں دیں بے غیرت۔۔۔😡



The bravest Muslim in India... One villager with only stone in hand......pushed back dozens of Indian paramilitary troops, to defend his home, masjid, lands and honour.....and was shot point blank and his body desecrated. Rest in peace brother. You died with honor.





Muslim lynching and butchery is happening all over India..... Hindutva gangs have been let loose by the butcher of Gujarat and his Nazi ideology. Muslims are nearly 300 million in India but disarmed, poor, distributed & sorrounded by fiercely armed RSS gangs & state forces.





سعودی عرب میں ایک نیا اسلام تشکیل دیا جا رہا ہے جس کا مقصد یہودیوں اور عیسائیوں کو راضی کرنا ہے۔۔۔پورے تعلیمی نظام سے قرآن پاک اور احادیث شریف نکال دی جائیں گی جہاں پر یہودیوں یا عیسائیوں کے خلاف کوی بات موجود ہو۔۔۔ قرآن حدیث تفسیر اور فقہ جیسے مضامین ختم کردیے جائیں گے۔



@ZaidZamanHamid تعمل #الإمارة_الإسلامية_بأفغانستان بسرعة على بناء قواتها المسلحة وتنظيمها من ميليشيات غير نظامية ... كل معداتهم استولت عليها من الأمريكان أو الجيش الأفغاني المستسلم. إنه لأمر لا يصدق في الواقع أن هناك سلام شامل في #أفغانستان الآن ...


Though the Afghan Taliban have overcome extra regional forces and the Kabul regime, they need to be careful that tribal and ethnic rivalries within the Afghan society does not draw them into a civil war. They must operationalize the new government fully without delay.



Islamic emirate of Afghanistan is rapidly building its armed forces drawn from its irregular militia forces... All their equipment is snatched from the Americans or the surrendered Afghan army. It is actually incredible that there is total peace in Afghanistan right now....





Hair raising slaughter is ongoing right now.... Hindutva gangs have unleashed full Fury of the state against helpless Muslims....



Graphic Video... In Indian state of Assam, RSS Hindutwa gangs & paramilitary of Indian state are slaughtering hundreds of Muslims in cold blood.... These are almost live videos... One of the biggest religious cleansing is ongoing... God! 🤬 #India




What a class act rascal he is.....! It is not the job of the unvaccinated to protect the vaccinated.... It was supposed to be the job of a bloody vaccine.... Isn't this what you told the world earlier? "Take the vaccine and be safe"...




You can see Australia fast descending into dictatorship and fascism. Now the shot guns have come out and protesting construction workers being knocked out with " rubber bullets"....BB pellets are not far behind. Globalist are testing their full dystopian model in Australia now..



It is really going to be a dark & cold winter for UK this time.. lockdowns have destroyed the entire food chain supply system & additional energy crisis will add up to already high flu deaths threat this season.. Devil's really know how to implode a society..