Thursday 7 January 2021

Imagine if this was Islamabad ....a "Taliban takeover of nuclear armed Pakistan" would be the headlines in all global papers... This is US government taken over by American taleban..... It's time for international intervention..😁 Let's send in Iraqi and Afghan forces first!



It is time that some Shia anger is also directed against India and Iran for hazara slaughter... This is a confession from kalBhushan Yadav about hazara killings...... He was sent to Pakistan by Iranian intelligence.... To kill shias too....🙄🤦😐



Pakistani intelligence busts a gang of Iranian backed terrorists in Pakistan.... This happens when you have a soft state and a weak government in Islamabad..... Every neighbouring country starts to take you for granted and wages its wars on your land. India, Afg, Iran....🤦



Very reassuring..... 😱 🤦🤬🤮


Enemies of the United States right now.... 👇 🤣 If Trump does not get for more years, he will be crucified by all and sundry..... #Trump #CapitalHill



Entire security breach story does not make sense..... There was no Security at the capital.... As if literally inviting the gangs to move in....



It is my personal analysis as well that Trump has been played by the globalists.. His supporters did not storm the capital... They were crisis actors and infiltrated gangs.... There was no Security at the capitol and police deliberately allowed entry. #Trump #Capitol


A stolen land from native Americans, who were killed on the biblical scale to clear the land for white invaders... With formed this Republic. Then hundreds of wars all over the world for centuries killed hundreds of millions more... Finally the natural justice begins #Trump




While the world is fixated on the events in Washington DC, there is another rebolt happening in Indian capital Delhi..... Where even the Sikh troops of Indian Army are openly joining the rebellion.... Unraveling of both USA & Indian Union #FarmersProtests #Trump #WashingtonDC



Indeed America has lot of goodness in it too.... AR15s for one ....😁 But my gut feeling is that America's shelf life is over.... All empire come to an end sooner or later.... Like the Romans, American empire was also savage & bloodthirsty, built on centuries of genocide...



After today, #Trump has crossed the Rubicon....point of no return... He must push it through to the next term... Or he will be impeached, removed and sent to prison for life.... But he has wounded the American Republic fatally. Confederate flag has again reached #WashingtonDC



Poor Elizabeth she was not ready for the revolution..... 🤣🤣 اگر پولیس مارے گی تو ہم انقلاب کیسے لائیں گے۔۔۔۔ ہمارے پاس بھی ایک ایسا ماڈل تھا۔۔۔۔ 😁 #US #CapitolHill



Alhamdolillah.. Read this tweet of 2017. This was not stargazing....



Watch it again and ponder... These Zionists have it all lined up.. Division of America, presidency of Biden and then a nuclear war..... At least this is what they plan... This is economist... That's where the rothschilds speak.... And give clues to their global plots.... #US



Jokes aside, it's time to sober up.. Democracies all over the world are dead.... This idol has been shattered....civil wars to global wars...all begin. all governments are moving towards draconian fascist rule.... #COVID19 was the trigger. Lockdowns accelerated. #USCapitol



Reminds me of similar looting in palace of Saddam Hussein....




Very soon IA. "Government of Pakistan is deeply concerned at the collapse of the government in United States. Pakistan urges the US military to uphold democracy and make sure that the nuclear stockpile of the country does not fall into the hands of the white or black terrorists"



Vikings have taken over US govt...!



Washington right now... Trump supporters are breaching the security barriers....




"It's a calm before the storm" Then he mentions great military people present in the room....... He certainly planning a military take over if he loses....Congress is debating right now and his armed gangs are gathering outside. Full time gangster... 😁




تقریبا دس مہینے پہلے جب انہوں نے کرونا کے نام پر عمرہ بند کیا تھا، ہم نے اس وقت آپ کو بتایا تھا کہ یہ اب حج اور عمرہ مکمل طور پر بند کرنے جا رہے ہیں اور اب شریعت نبوی ترک کرکے دجال کے حکم کے مطابق کھولیں گے۔۔۔ اس وقت آپ میں سے بہت لوگ ہمارا مذاق اڑاتے تھے۔۔۔ اب آرام ہے؟ 😡